Dave Ross — Feb 12, 2019

The King’s High School Board of Trustees has committed to the implementation of a Positive Education philosophy throughout our entire school.

 After extensive consultation with overseas schools who have successfully managed this process, it was decided to fund two expert tutors from the Institute of Positive Education, Geelong Grammar, Melbourne, to guide our staff through two days of intensive training. Like most things worthwhile, the introduction of this philosophy will take some time to implement, with the first phase focusing on familiarising staff with the concepts involved.

Positive Education can be thought of as a road map of what people want for themselves, their students, and their children: good health, frequent positive emotions, supportive relationships, a sense of purpose and meaning, the accomplishment of worthwhile goals, and moments of complete immersion and absorption – a life where a person uses their character strengths in ways that support themselves and others.

Our aim is to build a positive culture within the school which places wellbeing at the core of education and to explicitly teach strategies and skills that can enhance this. Geelong Grammar have depicted this philosophy for their students and staff in the graphic at the top of this article.