Letter from the Rector

I’m delighted to welcome students, new and returning, to King’s for 2025. The first week of a new school year is one of my favourites. Seeing all that potential walk through the gates, knowing that each and every one of our students will be challenged and supported to be the best version of themselves over the course of the year. Not just in the classroom, on the sports field, or while participating in extra-curricular activities; but also, as part of students’ ongoing journey to be good men, for life.

Settling into a new year at school can be exciting and sometimes challenging for the boys, particularly the Year 9s. The leadership team, teachers, and support staff are all here to support the boys (and parents) to ensure that the transition back to school is as seamless as possible. If you have any questions or issues at any time, let us know.

Wishing you all a great start to 2025, and we look forward to helping students achieve excellence in their endeavours, whatever they may be.

Nick McIvor


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