Dave Ross — February 13, 2025
Throughout the year students earn points for displaying outstanding leadership qualities.
This Leadership Programme is named after Dr Paul Oestreicher, a famous King’s Old Boy who attended King’s High School from 1939 – 1943.
Throughout the year our students earn points for displaying outstanding leadership qualities in a variety of different contexts. These points are tracked and displayed in the Library Foyer at the end of each term allowing students to see their progress. At the conclusion of the academic year, our young leaders will be awarded a bronze, silver, or gold award depending on their points tally.
Points Allocation Categories:
Weekly notes (average of 4.2 plus per term) – 15 points per term, average of 4.0 - 10 points per term, average for 3.9 – 5 points per term
Attendance (must have above 95%) – 10 points per term; above 90% - 5 points
House activity participation (referral from Group Teacher / House Dean) – 10 points per term
Extra-curricular – 10 points per team / activity / group to a maximum of 40 points
Service to school – umpiring, coaching, library, music, school council – 10 points per service to a maximum of 40 points
Nomination by Sports Coach / Cultural Group as a leader – 10 points per nomination to a maximum of 20 points
10 points are taken off if a student has 3 or more referrals per term.
E.g. Term 1
Weekly average 4.1 10
Attendance 95% 10
House involvement 5
Cricket 10
Service to school – cricket coaching 10
45 points - BRONZE
Term 2
Weekly average 3.9 5
Attendance 90% 5
House involvement 5
Hockey, Basketball 20
3 x referrals minus 10
25 points T1 + T2 score of 70 - SILVER