King's Week
Up-Coming Events
22 October
Junior Orchestra Day
23 October
Sports Awards Evening in the PAC at 6.30pm
24 October
Senior Drama Showcase Evening in the PAC
NCEA Exam Assembly
King's High School Cultural Festival
Kirsty Sangster
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Ceri Warnock
Sunday 20th October at 9am. If you are interested in Rowing come along to North End Rowing Club, 54 Magnet St, Dunedin
Rachel Heller
Holger Korth
Jo Barnsdale
Congratulations to the young men who received a Blue for excellence in Arts and Culture in 2024. These young men are at the top of their respective fields and maintain strong values of commitment and reliability.
Henri Mitchell-Collie
Guest Speaker Tame Govaerts-Paul
Becky Runga
Darren Eade
Rachel Campbell
Needing a Student Loan and/or Allowance in 2025? Now is the time to apply!
Rachel Reed
We would like to grow our awesome group of volunteers. Being a Friend of the PTSA can be as simple as lending a hand at our events, activities and fundraising opportunities throughout the years
Darin Smith
Nick Kyle
The auction is on Saturday, October 19th from 5.30 - 8.30pm at Otago House, Moray Place, Top Floor or join the auction remotely!
Lucia Rozenberg
Thursday, 31st October at the Regent Theatre in the Octagon starting at 7pm
Laura Marsh
Some rights reserved King's High School , 2024