King's Week
Up-Coming Events
14 October
First day of Term 4
16 October
Haka Competition
Cultural Blues evening in the PAC at 6.00pm
18 October
Graduation Breakfast for Year 13
School starts at 10.00am
Kaine Harington
Read More
Darin Smith
Thursday, 31st October at the Regent Theatre in the Octagon starting at 7pm
Laura Marsh
Sarah Sharma
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Henri Mitchell-Collie
Nick McIvor
Jo Barnsdale
Congratulations Casey Jowsey!
Emily McDermott
Chài-kiàn, さよなら, Auf Wiedersehen
Rachel Campbell
Come along and learn about the opportunities we provide for young people, have a chat with current cadets and officers and see what we do on our weekly training nights.
Rachel Heller
Lorenz Berghaus
Emilia St Baker
Are you looking for a job? Interested in Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, Department of Corrections, Fire Emergency, St John, Land Search & Rescue?
Nick Kyle
This year saw the King's Fair make a return after several years and what a success it was. With a huge amount of support from current and past staff and students, we very much look forward to it's regular return in years to come.
John Barr & Wall of Fame Citation
Kenneth John Graham
Rachel Reed
We would like to grow our awesome group of volunteers. Being a Friend of the PTSA can be as simple as lending a hand at our events, activities and fundraising opportunities throughout the years
Congratulations to the Winners!
Some rights reserved King's High School , 2024