King's Week
Up-Coming Events11 March
13 March
14 March
15 March
Debbie Vercoe
Ko au te moana, ko to moana ko au, I am the sea, the sea is me
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Dan Koni
Week 6 (Term 1)
Rod Bannister
Chris Dzikiewicz
Ceri Warnock
James McPherson
Henri Mitchell-Collie
Vicki Jopson
What's the G.O.S.S Gems Of Sport Series
Mark Greenfield
Rachel Campbell
Isaac Hensman
Te Whare Tapa Whā
Jeremy White
The Year 12 & 13 boys have been challenged to run/walk to raise funds and awareness for Gumboot Friday.
Bradley Scott
Darin Smith
Saddle Hill Community Board are seeking local stars who are high achievers in either sport, academic or cultural areas
Holger Korth
Some rights reserved King's High School , 2024