King's Week
Up-Coming Events
16 September
Studylink Presentation
17 September
Winter Blues Assembly
18 September
University of Otago Coursing
Rachel Reed
Calling all bakers! Get your aprons on! Find your favourite recipes! The PTSA is holding a BAKE STALL at the upcoming SCHOOL FAIR on Saturday, 21st September
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Emilia St Baker
Are you looking for a job? Interested in Navy, Army, Air Force, Police, Department of Corrections, Fire Emergency, St John, Land Search & Rescue?
Laura Marsh
Henri Mitchell-Collie
Rod Bannister
Darin Smith
Facing our Fears
Rachel Campbell
Choosing a direction in life can be a challenging time for rangatahi, and they may turn to you for guidance. Tahatū will support you as you work together, navigating towards an exciting future.
A representative from StudyLink will be at school on Monday, 16th September at 11.30am in the PAC
Rachel Heller
Cursey Adie-Cropley
Mock exams are over! As we come to the end of the mock exams, it is a time to reflect:
Holger Korth
Free - Confidential - Private
We would like to grow our awesome group of volunteers. Being a Friend of the PTSA can be as simple as lending a hand at our events, activities and fundraising opportunities throughout the years
James McPherson
Come and join us at our school fair on Saturday. We have food stalls, plant and book sales, live performances (run sheet below) and carnival games for you to enjoy. There is also the opportunity to have your vehicle cleaned while you attend!
Sarah Sharma
Saturday, 19 October 2024
Student Trustee Election Results (no voting election required)
Debbie Vercoe
Some rights reserved King's High School , 2024