Hero photograph
eNews Options Evening
Photo by KingsWay School

KingsWay School's 2018 Careers and NCEA Expo

KingsWay School —

The Pathways and Careers department would like to say a huge 'thank you' to all the people who contributed to our celebration of Careers and Options held on Tuesday night this week at the Senior Campus.

In particular:

  • Year 13 Events Management team in their high-vis vests for the preparation and pack down of the Careers Expo. Your clever coloured balloon trail, hot food and smiles of encouragement
  • Staff & Prefects for being in and about the classrooms to answer our endless questions 
  • To the brave alumni who stood in front of the crowd to tell their story of life beyond school.

It was good to see everyone soaking up the information offered at both the NCEA and Kamar workshops. If you need more information please just ask away. ðŸ˜€

Once again we are grateful to the  representatives from our Tertiary Trainers who braved the winter cold, and gave up their  evening to join us for this event.

Kindest Regards

Pathways and Careers Department