Hero photograph
Hares and Foxes
Photo by Donne van den Berg

Year Three Newsletter

Donne van den Berg —

Week 6, Term 1

As part of our school programme we do daily fitness activities and games to help us develop strong and healthy bodies. During fitness time, as a year 3 cohort, we learn new games such as “Eggs in a Basket” and “Fox and Hares.” Both of these games are fun running activities. These new games are added to old favourites such as Octopus which we play during Fitness. We also run the yellow track to build our fitness and endurance levels and on rainy days we have some fun indoor movement activities.

Hares and Foxes — Image by: Donne van den Berg

Sheep World

Please could you complete this Year 3 Microsoft Form Link if you have not already done so for our Sheepworld outing taking place on 21 March. The cut off date was yesterday, 9 March. Please complete this by Monday 13 March latest. Here is Sheepworld Information and details of the trip.

Hares and Foxes — Image by: Donne van den Berg

Home Learning Week 7

Memory verses: Students learn their weekly memory verse and recite it on Friday.

Matthew 17:21b
You can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there.’ And it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.

Reading: Please sign your child’s reading cards daily. 

Mathematics: Work at your own pace for a maximum of 90 minutes per week to collect your gems on Maths-Whizz

Spelling: Spelling Words ‘ar’ and ‘or’ sound words.

start, garden, artist, jar, short, north, forget, popcorn ♥ many, ♥ through

Heart words are words which need to be recognised and spelt off by heart. They are marked on the home learning sheet with a ♥

WOW Word: Compost - a type of fertilizer that is made from rotting plants

Hares and Foxes — Image by: Donne van den Berg


  • PE, library, and Spanish take place on Thursday. Please send your child to school in full PE kit and make sure they bring their library bags with them to school.

  • PE kit to be worn on a Friday for Sports Rotation

  • Maths Whizz started this week. Thank you for your patience as we set up this new online learning platform. Please could you let us know if you are having trouble with getting your child logged in.

  • There are still some spaces available in our Year 3 Netball Team for next Term. The final sign up date is 17 March.

Blessings to you all,

Year Three Teachers


