Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Lin

Year 1 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 1, Term 3

Kia Ora Koutou Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

Welcome to Term 3!

We give a warm welcome to Mrs Rautenbach and her students in the Rainbow Fish class. 

Image by: Lisa Lin

In Term 3, our Key Competency focus is learning how we can work together, through participating and contributing in our learning environment. In 1 Corinthians 12:14, the scripture states "The body of Christ, or the people that are the whole of humanity, are a team. The body is not supported by one person but by all of us. We are one, we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony so that we can do God's will." With this scripture in mind, we aim to focus on teaching about working collaborative and positively with one another, and the importance of teamwork. 

Below is a sneak peek of our areas of learning for Term 3:

  • Biblical Worldview Focus:Pondering on God's Creation Students contemplate both the Creator and His handiwork and respond in delight and praise
  • Maori Whakatauki: A tini ma mai mano; Ka rapa te whai
  • Many hands make light work: unity is strength
  • Topic Studies: God's Glorious Galaxy
  • Reading: Decoding and Comprehension strategies
  • Phonics: Letter sounds/ CVC/ Digraphs/ Blends
  • Writing: Recount and Report writing
  • Oral Language: Retelling and Describing
  • Numeracy: Number Knowledge and Strategy (major focus), Measurement using non-standard units, Direction and Orientation and Money (minor focus)
  • Art: Blending Technique - pastels and crayons with water dye

Term 3 Year 1 Key Events

  • Thursday 27th July: Parent Teacher Conferences (2pm finish)
  • Monday 31st July: The NED Show
  • Tuesday 1st August: Winter Sports and Arts Photos
  • Wednesday 2nd - Friday 4th August: Zoo Ventures with Sally (at school)
  • Friday 18th August:  Year 1-3 Cross Country 
  • Monday 27th August: Teacher-Only Day 
  • Friday 22nd September: Last Day of Term 3

Term 3 Year 1 Assembly

These dates are subject to change. The class teacher will inform you a week prior to the class leading our owhanga assembly. The class-specific assemblies will be held in the Studio. The whole year level assembly will be held in the hall. 

  • Week 5 Friday 9am: Red Rock Crabs (Parents of the Red Rock Crab's are welcome to attend).
  • Week 7 Friday 9am: Rainbow Fish (Parents of the Rainbow Fish's are welcome to attend).
  • Week 9 Friday 9am: The Whole of Year 1 Cohort (in the hall) - All Parents are welcome to attend.

Year 1-3 Cross Country - Permission required

On Friday 18 August, the Year 1-3 children will be partaking in the annual cross-country event. This year, the event will take place at Metro Park. Due to it being an out-of-school event, we will need your permission for your child to partake in this event at Metro Park. All permission needs to be received by the end of Week 3. 

Year 1-3 Cross Country Permission Form

KingsWay's Got Talent 

In Term 3 we will be running our annual Talent Contest. This is an opportunity for students to showcase their talent. In the past we've had singers, musicians, scientists, dancers, magicians and sports tricks. Auditions are about a minute long, run at the Junior Campus with the finalists performing at the Senior Campus. Please click here if your child would like to sign up: KingsWay's Got Talent 2023: Sign Up Form

  • Auditions: Monday, 31 July, Thursday, 3 August, Friday, 4 August.
  • Reserve Day: Tuesday, 8 August (if Auditions aren’t concluded).
  • Finals on Senior Campus : Thursday, 24 August, Lunch Time 

Changes to our Library Days 

Please remind your child to bring in their library bag or any issued books on their library days:

  • Tuesday: (Ms Lin's, Mrs Rautenbach's and Mrs Brown's classes)
  • Friday: (Mrs Hetrick's, Mrs Haley's and Mrs Lind's classes)


  • Please ensure all of your child's belongings are clearly named. If your child has lost something, our Lost Property is located in the reception area in the office
  • For any absences, please inform the school by emailing absences@kingsway.school.nz or submitting an absence using the School app
  • Home Learning: all homework needs to be done with consistency and diligence. If your child requires assistance with doing home learning, please do not hesitate to email their classroom teacher

Memory Verse for Term 3 Week 2- 1 Peter 4:10

Each of you should use whatever gift you have recieved to serve others.

Kia manaaki atua koutou (May God bless you all)

Year 0-1 Kaiako