Hero photograph
Photo by Marion Santos

Year 4 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 2, Term 1

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

It has been such a pleasure getting to know the Year 4 children and meeting you this past week. It was wonderful seeing parents in the studio once again. Please continue to feel welcome to come in and engage with your child, their teacher and their fellow classmates in the morning or afternoon after school.

The learners have all settled well into their new classes, and are getting to know each other, new routines and their teachers through games and oral language activities.

At the moment we are learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. This element of their learning falls under the New Zealand History Curriculum. The children are being encouraged to deepen their understanding connected to Waitangi Day.  A new framework of ‘Understand, Know, Do'' has been introduced to the NZ Histories Curriculum to inspire deep and meaningful learning. 

Week 1 Welcome Newsletters from your child's class teachers


Surf Day- Thursday 23rd of February

On Thursday the 23rd of February, the Year 4 students will be given the opportunity to attend surf lessons. These lessons cater for students of all abilities and will be run by the experienced staff of O’Neill Surf School at Orewa Beach. We will be departing KingsWay at 9.00am to travel to Orewa Beach by bus. We will return back to KingsWay by 3pm. 

In order to attend this amazing day, we will require parents to volunteer and assist us on the day. Due to the water implications of this trip, we require a ratio of one adult to every four students. The trip cannot go ahead without this ratio, as a result we are asking you to carefully consider volunteering to help. You will need to be in the water with the students to fulfil the safety requirements. 

Please read this Surf Letter for more information.

Please sign up on the Year 4 Surf Trip Permission Form as soon as possible. 

Nut allergy

Please do not send any form of nuts to school with your children as we there are children with severe nut and sesame seed allergies. The Kauri Studio is a nut free zone. 

WhatsApp Groups

Thank you so much to the moms who have volunteered to run the class WhatsApp groups. Please could you send your telephone number to the relevant parent.

4MSA - Kōtare - Donne - 027 249 8985

4NBU - Pūkeko - Nikki - 021 163 2895

4TWR - Poraka - Rachel - 021 505 741 to

4LWN - Pīwakawaka - Charissa - 021 241 2758

Information About Your Child

A huge thank you to all the parents who have completed the online form with information about your child. It really helps us to make quicker connections with your children, as a result if you have not yet completed the form, please could you do so as soon as possible?  Please use this LINK to complete the form.

Spanish, Library and PE

4NBU, 4TWR and 4LWN children will have Library, PE and Spanish every Thursday.

4MSA will have their lessons on Tuesdays.

It is a school requirement for the Year 4 learners to wear the KingsWay PE uniform. This may be purchased from the uniform shop. Hats are required in Terms 1 & 3. 

Please ensure the PE uniform is clearly labeled with your child's name.

Tissues/Wet Wipes

Thank you so much to the parents who have sent wet wipes and tissues to school for classroom use.  Please could you send them in as soon as you are able. 

Home Learning Week 3

Reading: Please sign your child’s reading cards daily. Readers at your child’s level will be sent home. 

Mathematics: Students will receive a login for a new mathematics programme called Maths-Whizz. You will be notified of the expectations with regards Maths-Whizz. 

Please note that at the start of the year it can take a few weeks for Maths-Whizz to be up and running for our classes. We greatly appreciate your patience with this. 

Spelling: Students are to practice their spelling words daily. They are expected to write their words in well-constructed and correct sentences weekly. The words are tested at the end of each week.

Spelling words:

January, February, March, April, July, August, September, October, November, December

WOW Word: Influence

Students are to write a well-constructed and correct sentence using their word of the week.

Memory Verse

Students learn their weekly memory verse and recite each Friday.

Psalm 23: 1-3 A Psalm of David.

1 The Lord is my shepherd. He gives me everything I need. 2 He lets me lie down in fields of green grass. He leads me beside quiet waters.

Lots of love and blessings to you,

Ngā Mihi Nui,

Year 4 Kaiako

First Week of School