Hero photograph
Building a Strong Family
Photo by KingsWay School

Building a Strong Family

KingsWay School —

Are you competing with Social Media, Gaming, Advertising and Pop Culture to get your kids' attention?

Are your family members losing closeness, lacking respect for one another and struggling to communicate?

It's not surprising because your children are being hijacked and seduced by adults with agendas. These hustlers don't care about your family and least of all your kids! They are driven by power, by money and by prestige within their own dysfunctional industries.

I'll be presenting the antidote, which is to build a family that is stronger on the inside than what's coming at you from the outside. I won't be holding back because I have had enough of seeing families under attack! Love to see you there and please get the word out!

CLICK HERE for further details about this evening with Yvonne Godfrey.