Hero photograph
Primary Week 5 Term 4
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices - Week 5, Term 4

KingsWay School —

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.

Item from De Gibson, Assistant Head of Primary 

3 Things Parents Should Know (That kids may wish they didn’t)

Parenting is one of the most challenging parts of life. KingsWay School was founded on the principle of parent partnership. God has given responsibility to parents to raise their children in His ways, we collaborate with parents to not only deliver curriculum but to disciple. In this spirit I would like to encourage you with a few things every parent should know, some of which your children might wish you didn’t..!

The Importance of Boredom

We live in a high paced society, our adrenal systems are on all the time, and we often avoid allowing our children to get ‘bored’. Boredom is important for brain development. It develops creativity, problem-solving skills and creates space for them to think. From a young age, being able to tolerate their own company and being ok in their own headspace, will serve them well as they move into adolescence. If your children say they are bored, you are actually helping them and doing a great job!

Adversity Grows Character and Resilience

Why is resilience a critical quality to develop in your child? Because a resilient child will become a happy adult. Resiliency is the ability to rise above adversity. You cannot overcome challenges if you are never allowed to have any. As parents and teachers, it is tempting to put on our superhero cape and fly in to save the day. If we do this, we lose the opportunity to coach our child, sewing Biblical truth into situations. When we walk our children through the hardship, the adaptation/breakthrough is often found just beyond the tears.

Will this look cute when they are 15?

Character development is one of the most satisfying aspects of teaching at KingsWay. I get to partner with parents to grow up Godly young men and women. The question, ‘Will this look cute when they are 15?’, is a great motivator for me. It reminds me that as teachers and parents we are sewing into the lives of the children (sometimes pulling weeds), and preparing them for their future. It can be tough to tackle an ongoing issue, and we can feel disempowered or frustrated facing the same thing again and again. God, however, doesn’t give up on us, so we don’t give up on each other. Together we can make a significant difference in the lives of our children.

KingsWay School exists for you as well as your children. We are partnering together. Our mission statement refers to us as ‘a Christian Community of Learners’. As parents, the staff honour you and are cheering you on. Keep growing great kids that ‘get bored’, can face adversity and have their character developed at home and at school!

Mrs De Gibson,
Assistant Head of Primary

General Information for all Primary

The Kauri Studio will be cordoned off while modifications to the internal of the building take place, and out of bounds areas clearly marked for those students remaining on the Junior Campus. Totara Studio students will still have access to the playgrounds and field.

Due to numbers of students in each Year level, and to support the teachers as they adapt to teaching in the modified spaces, the Y3/4 and Y5/6 teams will have both single level and composite classes in 2019. The make-up of the classes will be revisited each year, depending on student numbers.

We are delighted to welcome Hannah Irons onto the staff at the Junior Campus. Hannah is replacing Mrs Ng, who is expecting her little cherub any minute!

Mrs Kerry McNair and Mrs Jayne Charles are the teachers of our newest NE students. We are blessed to have such experienced teachers working with our littlest ones!

Please note details of the end of year Prize Giving Ceremonies to be held at the Junior Campus on Thursday, 13 December:

  • Year 1-2,  9:30am
  • Year 3-4, 11:00 am
  • Year 5-6,  1:15pm

Outstanding Performance in Extra-Curricular Activities

At our 2018 Junior Campus Prizegivings, we would like to acknowledge students who have performed exceptionally well (distinction or higher) at extra-curricular activities outside of school.

If your child received an award, please send the award to the Junior Campus office, enclosed in a plastic bag, along with the completed form (pdf attached at the base of this newsletter). 

Deadline is Friday, 30 November 2018.

Athletics Day - Wednesday, 21 November

A reminder that on Wednesday, 21 November the Junior Campus will be holding Athletics Day for Years 0-6 at Metro Park Millwater.  Saver day is Friday, 23 November. Teachers will be sending out more information closer to the event. 

Drop off Zone 

Reminder: please do not park in the top car park drop off zone after school. Please use the back car park area when collecting your children from school.

Walking School Bus

 The walking school bus leaves the Junior Campus at 8.45am each day to walk with children who are now located at the Senior Campus. The walking school bus leaves the Senior Campus by Youngman Arena at 2.45pm each day and walks children back to the Junior Campus.

Children who are in the sKids programme after school meet at the Youngman Arena and walk over to the Junior Campus with a sKids personnel.

Road Rules

When driving into the school car park areas, please do not enter by way of the exit. This puts other drivers and pedestrian at great risk. Thank you.

School Library Books 

Please scour your homes for any KingsWay School library books and send them to school ASAP. Our library stock-take has begun and we need all school library books returned.

KUMON Silverdale Education Centre

Kumon Silverdale Education Center now operates from the Conference Room at KingsWay School Senior Campus, 100 Jelas Rd Red Beach. 

The centre will open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 3:30 to 5:45pm.

Please click on the pdf below for further information.