KingsWay School — Feb 9, 2023

Week 2, Term 1

Full School Notices

Please CLICK HERE for important, full school notices.

Note: In the link above there is an important message from Mr Graeme Büdler about the significant weather event that will hit Auckland in the next few days.

Middle School Notices

Message from Vanessa Gatman - Deputy Principal Middle Years

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

It was wonderful having our Middle School students this week. There was a hum of excitement as they settled into their new classes and orientated themselves to their Semester One programme. We had our first Middle School assembly where we looked at the year ahead, built some excitement about the upcoming auditions for the Lion King Jr production and students were encouraged to be culture shapers by being respectful, responsible, courageous and teachable.

Today we had our mihi whakatau. The mihi whakatau is a traditional Māori welcome ceremony. The purpose of the ceremony is to welcome our new staff and students to make them one with the tangata whenua (KingsWay family). It was a beautiful ceremony to be part of as our school honoured our bi-cultural heritage. A very big thank you to our assistant Head of Middle School, Kristina Taylor, who is our Middle School kaiārahi and is key in organising these events. The role of kaiārahi is to support the development and preservation of te reo Māori, tikanga Māori and mātauranga Māori within schools.

It is unfortunate we can't go ahead with our Year 7 and 8 On Purpose Days due to predicted weather but alternative plans will be in place. ID photos, PAT testing are timetabled for next week and we are fully launched into our formal programme. 

The Lion King Jr - Auditions Are Now Open

We are excited to be presenting 'The Lion King Jr.' as our Middle School production in Term 3 this year. 

Auditions for ‘The Lion King Jr.’ are now open for Year 7-9 students. Please read through this information pack and complete the audition form below if your child wishes to audition. If you have any questions, please email Miss Maisie Dunning.
ACTION REQUIRED: If your child wishes to audition, please complete this form - The Lion King Jr Audition Form

To find audition material and schedule, please join our The Lion King Jr. Audition google classroom - the link is in the information pack above and the classroom join code is mfnk2pd.

2023 Local Areas Blanket Permission Form

✍ URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Please complete this form by Friday, 10 February - Year 7-9 Local Areas Permission Form

When completing this form, you give permission for your child to participate in any offsite activity within walking distance in the local area. Specific permission will be sought for trips that involve travel by bus or where the risk exposure may be greater than what would typically be the case at school (e.g. swimming).

School Choir

If your child is keen to join the Kingsway School Choir this year and be part of the Big Sing at the Auckland City Town Hall amongst other outreach opportunities, we would love to have them join us. No previous experience is needed and no auditions. Everyone welcome!  

Belinda Mittermeier (Music Teacher)

✍ ACTION REQUIRED: If your child wishes to be in the choir, please complete this form: Choir 2023 Interest/Sign Up Form

Contact Forms

Your son/daughter has been given a personalised contact form. Please check the details carefully and amend where necessary. It is essential that we have the most up-to-date details on our database for all of our students. Once checked please sign and return it to your child’s homeroom teacher. Alternatively, parents/caregivers can scan and email the updated form (with a signature) to Even if all the details are correct please sign the form, as this is an indication that you have checked the form.

Equipping Families Evening

Monday, 13 March - 7:00 pm

We are excited to offer the opportunity for Middle School (Years 7-9) parents to attend an Equipping Families evening. There are a variety of workshops available for a parent or significant adult to attend with their child. Students can attend any sessions with a mum, dad or a significant other (it doesn’t have to be mother/daughter, father/son). The aim is to support families as they negotiate the Middle School years and provide some practical tips and tools they can implement in their relationships. An outline of the times, topics, presenters and venues will follow soon.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Middle Years Wellbeing - Deans

The role of the Wellbeing Team is to ensure that conditions are right for everybody to learn and grow. Deans come alongside students to problem solve, nurture and coach them towards practices and behaviours that help them to succeed. Our students will be going through a big transition into their new classes. This will cause some nervousness and discomfort as the students climb the learning curve. This discomfort is to be expected but should not last. The deans are available to support the students through this time. 

Middle School Contacts

Year Level Newsletters

Please click on the year-level link for your child to read this week's year group newsletter:

Click here for SPORTS NOTICES

Click here for other EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES