KingsWay School — Mar 1, 2022

Dear KingsWay Community,

I realise that there are many sudden changes to Covid school protocols, which can be overwhelming at times. However, please continue to make it a daily habit to keep informed on the latest updates that I will share with you on KingsWay School Covid-19 Live Message Board.

As expected, cases of Omicron have grown exponentially. I know that this will be placing additional pressure on you. I appreciate your support during these volatile times.

Despite the rise in cases, it is essential, and we remain committed to keeping students at school wherever possible. Your support to enable this is highly valued – thank you.

I include in today’s update several important Ministry of Education updates that I received yesterday for your consideration. If you require clarity on any of the information, please email me.

Employment Opportunity
Please CLICK HERE for the advertisement for Short Term Relief Teachers and Learning Supervisors. If you know of anyone who would be interested in applying for these roles, please share the advert with them. 

Kind regards,

Graeme Büdler
Executive Principal

Changes to Requirements for School Activities

As indicated by Minister Hipkins in the media recently, all children and young people will soon be able to participate in all school-organised teams and groups regardless of their vaccination status.

An amendment to the Health Order will now be needed, and we anticipate these changes will take effect no later than Tuesday, 15 March.

This protocol will apply to onsite and offsite activities for both curriculum-related (including offsite education outside the classroom) and extra-curricular activities offered by a registered school.

This change will apply to intra-school and inter-school competitions/activities as well as competitions/activities where school teams/groups compete against other teams/groups which are not from a school. For example, if the school’s First XI competes in a local senior club competition.

I will advise you when these changes to the Health Order occur and will update our website information to reflect the above information and advice at that time.

The existing requirements/permissions under the Health Order remain in place for now.

What will this mean for children and young people?

This change will mean that after that date, children and young people who are in a school-organised team or group cannot be asked for a vaccine pass.

Activities held offsite will still have up to 100 participants in any defined space when at Red, as long as spectators and adult participants (coaches, referees etc.) are required to provide vaccine passes.

There is no change to the vaccine requirements for staff and volunteers supporting any school activity involving children and young people – they must be vaccinated and may be asked by venue staff to provide evidence of their vaccination.

This change will support all children to participate fully in school life, regardless of their vaccination status.

Vaccine passes where activities are not school-based

Those unvaccinated children aged over 12 years and three months may continue to be prevented from participating in some activities if they participate in a team or group, not from their school.

For example, a student playing for a senior club hockey team will still need to provide a vaccine pass if the competition or venue requires evidence of vaccination from all participants.

A reminder that those aged under 12 years and three months are already able to participate in school activities both onsite and offsite regardless of their vaccination status.

Education outside the classroom

Once the legislative changes are made, an offsite education outside the classroom (EOTC) provider will not ask children and young people participating in school-organised activities for evidence of vaccination.

Importantly, EOTC providers will no longer have to provide a separate space to host school groups with unvaccinated students. This provision may open more options to access EOTC for all students.

Please note an EOTC provider will still be able to choose whether to accept school groups onsite.

Returning from isolation as a household contact

Some of the instances where students have completed their required ten days’ isolation but have had family members subsequently test positive.

Currently, there is no legal requirement for family members to remain in isolation beyond the initial 10-day period.

Learn more: What does it mean if I’m a household contact?

To manage this risk, it is crucial that if the student develops symptoms, they stay at home until they are symptom-free and have returned a negative test result. Alternatively, they could be managed as a case without any need for testing.

Anyone with symptoms must remain at home until symptom-free for at least 48 hours.

What type of contact are you?

What type of contact are you? — Image by: KingsWay School

This graphic will help identify whether you are a household contact and what steps you should take.

See the Unite Against COVID-19 website for more information.

Testing positive for COVID-19

If you test positive for COVID-19, everyone else in your household becomes a household contact, and you need to isolate together for at least ten days.

Find further information about testing positive in this brochure: CLICK HERE.

The information covers:
• managing symptoms
• rapid antigen tests (RATs)
• steps to take if you test positive
• what to do when isolating
• support that is available in isolation.