Year 8 Newsletter
Week 4,Term 4
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,
It was lovely to see so many parents at the Parent Evening on Tuesday night. A special thanks to our Year 8 class leaders, who led the tours for the Year 7 parents. The feedback that we received from the parents was delightful.
Well done to Durandt Potgieter and Timothy Eckard who completed in the Rotary Speech competition on Wednesday evening. Congratulations to Durandt who was selected as a finalist!
Just a reminder that as summer approaches, please encourage the use of deodorant and to have one in their bag, especially for Sports and PE days. Also, students are expected to wear a KingsWay hat for outdoor activities.
Water Wise Trip: Thank you to the parents who had indicated that they were able to help. If you (or an older sibling and/or cousin) are able to assist on the trip on Tuesday please email
Upcoming Dates:
- Monday, 21 November: Staff Only Day
- Tuesday, 22 November: Year 8 Water Safety: Red Beach (8JCH, 8MST, 8MVR)
- Wednesday, 23 November: Year 8 Water Safety: Red Beach (8JPS, 8KTA, 8SPO)
- Thursday 1 December: Staff Only Day
- Friday 2 December: Year 8 End of Year Outing - Orewa Beach
Year 8 Water Wise: Red Beach
- Tuesday, 22 November: 8JCH, 8MST, 8MVR
- Wednesday, 23 November: 8JPS, 8KTA, 8SPO
Students travel by bus to the venue, leaving school at 9:00am and returning to school by 3:00pm.
Wear: PE Gear, sports shoes and socks.
Bring: Students and parent helpers bring own lunch, drink as well as their swimming gear (wet suit is advisable if the weather is cold) and a towel.
Parent Helpers: We require five/six parent helpers per class, please indicate on the permission form if you are able to assist.
✍ ACTION REQUIRED: Please complete this permission form by Monday, 7 November: Year 8 Water Wise Permission Form
Year 8 End of Year Outing: Orewa Beach
- Friday, 2 December
Students will be walking to and from Orewa Beach along the estuary pathway with their teacher. Year 8s will leave school at 9:00 am and will be back by 3:00 pm.
A sausage sizzle will be provided during the course of the day and there will an opportunity to swim. Please note that no bikinis or surfboards will be allowed. Parent help will be required for the trip (there will be various jobs that we will need help with – preparing the sausage sizzle, supervising students in the water). Mrs Pollock will be in touch with the parents who have volunteered on Tuesday, 22 November to establish which roles you feel comfortable assisting with.
Wear: Mufti, comfortable walking shoes and KingWay hat
Bring: Students and parent helpers bring own lunch, drink as well as their swimming gear (no bikinis) and a towel.
Parent Helpers: We require parent helpers, please indicate on the permission form if you are able to assist.
✍ ACTION REQUIRED: Please complete this permission form by Monday, 21 November: Year 8 Orewa Beach Trip Permission Form
Year 8 Homework
- Memory Verse
- Reading (every student should read at least one novel a term) as well as the Kiwikids News articles
- Spellzone
- Education Perfect - Mathematics + Literacy tasks
Next Week's Memory Verse:
"But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations." Psalm 33:11
Ngā mihi
Year 8 Teachers
- 8MVR Mrs Melanie van Rooyen Head of Learning - Year 8
- 8JCH Mrs Liz (Elizabeth) Raikes and Mrs Aimee Fitzgerald
- 8JPS Mrs Shaniel Slater
- 8KTA Mrs Kristina Taylor
- 8MST Mrs Mahaylia Stevenson
- 8SPO Mrs Stephanie Pollock