Hero photograph
Whānau leaders preparing their houses for Cross Country at the Middle School assembly
Photo by Melanie Van Rooyen

Year 9 Newsletter

Melanie Van Rooyen —

Week 2, Term 2

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

Year 9 students have been doing diligent mahi this week to complete their Science projects. 

Next week promises to be a week full of opportunities for our Year 9 students. Many of the students are looking forward to participating in the Cross Country on Monday. The Year 9s are scheduled to run at 12:50 pm. Parents, you are most welcome to come and cheer your child on. 

The Year 9 students will be celebrating Cultural Day on Wednesday. Students won't be following their usual timetable for the day, they are allowed to wear PE gear as they will be participating in various activities. Morning Tea will be provided for students. 

Mathex/Biblex is coming up on Thursday, 18 May. This is always a fun-filled evening with fierce competition between the classes. Parents are welcome to come along to support their children and to volunteer to be part of the parent team!

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, 8 May: Year 7 - 9 Cross Country - Shakespear Park
  • Wednesday, 10 May: Year 9 Cultural Day
  • Thursday, 11 May: PPTA & NZEI Rolling Strike
  • Friday, 12 May: Year 7 - 9 Cross Country Save Day
  • Thursday, 18 May: Year 7 - 10 Mathex / Biblex
  • Friday, 19 May: International Festival / Mufti Day
  • Thursday, 25 May: 9ODP Bouldering Trip


A reminder that students are expected to be following the uniform guidelines at all times. 

PPTA & NZEI Rolling Strike - Thursday, 11 May

Please make sure you read today's Full School Notices for information about the upcoming strike.

Option Subject Trips

If your child is taking an option subject this semester that has a trip, please complete the trip permission form by the due date. Payment of trip costs is required BEFORE the event.

9ODP (Outdoor Pursuits) - Bouldering Trip

Date: Thursday, 25 May
CLICK HERE for trip information and to complete the permission form - due Thursday, 18 May.

Year 9 Overview for Term 2

CLICK HERE to view the Term 2 overview of learning in Year 9

Year 9 Homework

  • Memory Verse
  • Education Perfect:
    •  Mathematics task
    •  English task

Year 9 assessment roster for Term 2: The details are posted onto Google Classroom.

Next Week's Memory Verse:

"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Matthew 5:43-44

Ngā mihi


Year 9 Teachers