Full School Notices - Week 2, Term 2
Industrial Action – PPTA & NZEI Teachers’ Strikes
Last week you would have read the letter regarding PPTA union action. The NZEI have advised our KingsWay School Board of their plan to join the PPTA on some of their actions. One action is a Rolling Strike which is on Thursday 11 May. We will remain open for Year 1-8. We are unable to remain open safely for Year 9-13 due to the number of staff offsite. (Please see Lisa Lambert's instructions for these strikes in the newsletter below).
We know that this is inconvenient for parents and students alike, however, strike action is compulsory for all union members. Please be assured that staying open for instruction is our priority and wherever possible we will. We look forward to quickly resolving this matter so KingsWay can continue to deliver its outstanding Christian education programme. We want to reiterate our support to all our teaching staff and our desire to see improved conditions for all schools and teachers.
Please continue to read school communications each Friday for details of the coming week. We will keep you posted via the KingsWay App should we receive any cancellations.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Claydon
KingsWay School BOT Chair
PPTA Rostering Home Strike
School will be closed for instruction for Year 12 students on Tuesday, 9 May. School will remain open for all other year levels.
Year 12 students are not expected at school on this day and are encouraged to continue with their learning at home. The library is open to receive a limited number of students who cannot secure alternative care options for the day of the strike. Should a student attend school, their attendance will be recorded and they are expected to wear school uniform and remain on school grounds for the entire day. Normal school behaviour expectations apply. We will remain open as normal for all other year levels across the school.
Lisa Lambert
Acting Executive Principal
PPTA & NZEI Rolling Strike
Both unions are striking on Thursday, 11 May. We will remain open for Year 1-8, however, we cannot open safely for Year 9-13 students.
Please continue to read our Friday Newsletter which we email to you. Refer to the KingsWay School app for updates. This will include any cancellations should a settlement be reached between the unions and the Ministry of Education.
Lisa Lambert
Acting Executive Principal
Measles Information
As a school we are very aware of the current school case of measles within our local area. Our registered nurses onsite are in contact with the Public Health Service and seeking ongoing clarification on the situation. We have NO cases in our school however, as always, we appreciate your diligence in keeping your children at home should they show any signs of being unwell. Read measles symptoms HERE .
We will use the KingsWay School App for any urgent and important communications. Please CLICK HERE for instructions on how to download the KingsWay School App. This will be our point of contact in case of emergencies.
Please complete this FORM to indicate if you have a child that has not had the MMR vaccination. Please complete one for each child.
Our 2023 PTA Fundraiser is now CLOSED
Thank you to all the families and students who have donated items or offered services towards this fundraiser. We are very grateful for your generous response both in donations and in the bidding.
In Week 5 (after all payments have been received) we will announce the following winning classes:
- FIRST PRIZE: The class that manages to raise the most funds overall. This includes donations and auction totals.
- SECOND PRIZE: This class will be awarded the ‘Best in Endeavour Award’. This will be awarded to the class that has had the most participation from all students within that class (even if they might not have raised the most money in total).
Payment and collection of auction items / services:
- The school will contact the winners of each auction and will give them payment instructions.
- Payment needs to be made BEFORE Tuesday, 9 May, failing which the runner up will be offered the item.
- Once payment is received, the school will give contact details to both the winners of the auction AND the person who donated the item/service. It is then up to these two contacts to make arrangements for the collection of the items/services.
Employment Opportunities
Please visit our website link to see our employment opportunities.
Currently these include the following vacancies:
- Senior School ESOL Specialist Teacher Aide. Closes Friday 5 May at 5pm.
- Pathways Administrator (6 weeks Relief Cover). Closes Monday 8 May at 5pm.
- Head of Faculty – PE. Closes on Tuesday16 May at 9am.
International Week
International Week is coming up on 15-19 May where we celebrate our many different cultures at our school. We encourage our students to get involved in the various activities taking place at both campuses. Details will be confirmed.
Getting Stuck In at KingsWay School
Please fill in THIS FORM to let us know if there's any way you are able to help KingsWay School.
Parent Information Videos
We have made a number of Parent Information Videos to help you understand relevant aspects of the school. These will continue to be added. You can view these HERE, or for future quick access the link is saved on the KingsWay School App links tab (see below).
We hope you find these videos helpful.
Parents Prayer Group 🙏
If you are able, please come and join the other parents who pray at the Senior Campus on Fridays at 9am, or the Junior Campus on Tuesdays at 9am. Please sign in at the reception areas first.
We welcome all parents, caregivers and even grandparents who have a heart to pray for our school, our children and the KingsWay staff. 🙂