Primary School Notices, 5 November 2020
KingsWay School - November 4, 2020
Junior Campus Notices
Lockdown Exercise
Next Tuesday 10 November KingsWay Primary will be conducting a lockdown exercise. Please ensure you have downloaded the KingsWay School app. Parents will be contacted via the KingsWay School app to ensure communication channels are working smoothly in the case of a real emergency. Please CLICK HERE for further information.
Primary School Assemblies - Term 4
Parents are welcome to attend Primary Assemblies in the Junior Campus Hall.
Assembly dates: Friday (fortnightly) at 2.15pm
- Week 4: 6 November run by 1AHA and 1LLI
- Week 6: 20 November TBC
- Week 8: 4 December Y6 Farewell Assembly
Extra-Curricular Awards
Junior Campus Prizegiving - Outstanding Performance in Extra-Curricular Activities:
At our end of year Junior Campus Prizegiving assemblies, we like to acknowledge students who have performed exceptionally well (distinction level or higher) at extra-curricular activities outside of school.
Please send the award to the Junior Campus office, enclosed in a plastic bag, together with the completed form (attached as a pdf at the bottom of this newsletter), before Friday 27 November 2020. Awards that meet the criteria, set out on the attached form, will be presented at our Junior Campus Prizegiving assemblies on Wednesday 9 December in the Junior Campus Hall.
Volunteers needed on the Junior Campus
The Junior Campus is looking for volunteers to help cover 200 beautiful new Senior Primary reader books that have recently arrived!!
Do you have an hour on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon to help cover our new readers? Please let the Junior Campus reception know if you are able to help or for more information email:
Our PMP equipment sessions are in the hall on:
- Mondays from 9:55am – 10:35am & 1:55pm - 3:00pm
- Tuesdays from 2:20pm – 3:00pm
- Fridays from 9:20am - 10:35am
This ‘Station’ focuses on memory as an outcome. It provides young children with various means of identifying objects. There is the (1) Verbal instruction; (2) Visual connection (3) Kinaesthetic action.
Students are required to listen to the spoken word, identify the image it represents and step on individual images of objects in sequence.
It starts off with two or three objects but becomes more challenging as more objects are added. The activity is representative of the classroom. Teachers usually give more than one instruction at a time, which children usually need to complete in sequence, in order to achieve success. For example: “… please go to your locker, collect your bookbag and place it on your desk...” Missing even one step in the sequence will result in an incomplete task.
To volunteer to help with our PMP programme or for more information, please email Charlene van Vuuren, our KingsWay PMP teacher:
Year 4 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) meeting:
On Thursday 12 November at 7pm we have a Year 4 Optional BYOD Parent meeting in the Staff room on the Junior Campus. If you have a Year 4 student and would like them to bring a device to school next year, please come along. Please note that children cannot bring a device in 2021 unless a parent has attended one of these meetings. If parents have attended previously, please let your teacher know.
Year 5 & 6 Cricket Zone Day – THURSDAY 29 OCTOBER
It was great to be able to finally send some of our Year 5 & 6 students to a sports day. The Cricket Zone day was held at Metro Park and was attended by approximately 300 children from the local area. We sent two boys and one girls team to this event. They all played well, many of them playing cricket for the first time, and had a fantastic day! The weather was great, and it was such a blessing to finally see the children enjoying a day out playing sports and coming together as a wider community.
Our boys A Grade team made the semi-finals and won the third-place playoff game. Well done to them. The other teams showed some good skill throughout the day too.
A huge thanks to Mrs Barr, Mr Pelser and Mr Beguely for helping on the day.
School Fun Run – price ordering last chance!
There are still a big number of children who have not yet ordered their prizes for the School Fun Run. If you raised money online, please go into your child’s online fundraising page and follow the links to order prizes by SUNDAY 8th NOVEMBER. THIS IS YOUR ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE TO ORDER ONLINE. Otherwise, a prize will be ordered on behalf of your child.
The registrations for next year’s Weetbix Tryathlon, held on Sunday 28th March at Manly Beach are open. We have created a school group for you to join. Please click on the link below to go through to our special school group page to register.
More details about the event can be found here:
Extra Activities
SKIDS After School Programme
Growing Awesome Kiwi Kids through interactive and engaging activities based on themes kids love!
021 77 33 01,, sKids Facebook
Suzuki Violin Tuition
Gabrielle McClean, an experienced Suzuki Violin Teacher, will be teaching at the Junior Campus after school hours on Friday afternoons. She has spaces for new students. If you are interested, please contact her on 021 150 3621 for a free trial lesson.
R&B Music Tuition at the Junior Campus
This is 8 weeks chess coaching program running on Thursdays from 15 October 2020 till 10 December 2020 from 3:10 - 4:10 pm. The fee will be $125/student for the term. The sessions will be held in Staffroom.
If the program is successful a new full 10-week program will be made available for Term 1.
If your child would like to be part of this, please visit our website. Both registration and payment can be done online.
Kelly Sports
Hear Say
Thinking Caps In-School Maths
For more information, please visit
Please click on the pdf attached below.
Please click on the pdf attached below.
Bricks for Kids
HBC AFC - Football Fundamentals