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SLAMS - Sport, Leadership, Arts, Missions, Service
Photo by KingsWay School

SLAMS - Service

KingsWay School —

KingsWay Graduate Reflective Portfolio (Initiation Phase)

Annual Plan Target

An online reflective portfolio tool records student progress and assists with the planning of future endeavours.


In 2020 we developed an online ePortfolio tool; Kia Whanake. This is a web-based platform that students can use to upload photos and videos and reflect on their progress towards each of the goals. These goals are derived from the Ministry of Education's vision for all graduates. We have reshaped this in line with our Christian special character:

The vision for KingsWay graduates is that they may be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners who embody the Christian special character of the school.

SLAMS — Image by: KingsWay School


In Term 2 we are trialing the use of this ePortfolio through Year 10 Hauora classes. This will enable us to develop the tool further into something that effectively supports student growth.