Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

PTA Fundraising Drive

KingsWay School —

The PTA’s role is two-fold: fundraising AND building community.

Our community events continue to be hugely successful and well attended. The New Parent Welcome Night was enjoyed by many new families and the Family Fun Night brought rave reviews. This year the PTA continues with events such as Grandparents’ Day and the Christmas Carol Evening, and we strive to explore other opportunities that will keep the KingsWay School community spirit alive.

In comparison, the PTA have found over the years that our initiatives for fundraising, such as the Gala, have not been as successful as the community events. Due to this trend and after prayerful consideration, the Executive Management Team (EMT) and PTA have decided to change how we fundraise at KingsWay School. Rather than organising labor-intensive fundraising events, the focus will change to a Fundraising Drive. We request each family to donate, at their discretion, towards particular items for the school. The items proposed for fundraising are not paid for by the KingsWay Proprietors as they are considered ‘non-essential’, but they will greatly benefit our students and future generations.

The PTA’s priority is for Christ to be at the centre of all we do, remembering God designed us to be in community with one another, so we believe that if this is our focus, God will provide the rest.“If what we’re doing is not working… then do something else”.

Fundraising Drive: 18-31 March, 2019

Your donation will contribute towards the following items:

1. Junior Campus Playground Areas
2. Senior Campus Production Lighting Equipment

Payment Options

We thank you for your contribution. Please use either of these payment options to make your donation: 

1. Please donate via our school online payment system - KINDO (the same way payments are made for sport registrations, uniforms and tuckshop orders).


2. Please use the following PTA bank account number to deposit your donation: 12-3084-0192348-08.
In the reference field, we will require your child’s full name together with SPO (Sponsorship).

NOTE: All donations made before 31 March, 2019 will be included in your Donation Tax Receipt for 2018/2019