Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School


KingsWay School —

Are you struggling to lose or gain weight? Do you suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Are you constantly tired and feel like you need more energy?

Do you have:

• high blood pressure
• high cholesterol
• anaemia
• Type 2 Diabetes
• Prediabetes

Would you like to make sure that your vegetarian or vegan diet is nutritionally balanced?

Are you struggling with food allergies & need help planning dairy free, nut free or gluten free diets?

Would you like to know how to cook & plan stress free, nutritious weekly meals for your family and prepare healthy lunchboxes for your children or yourself?

I offer nutrition consulting personalised to suit your individual needs and to help you make informed choices in the conflicting world of nutrition information.  

Contact me: Paula Southworth
University Qualified Nutritionist at NutritionSense (BSc Human Nutrition & Sports Science, Massey University, Albany)

Email: paula@nutritionsense.co.nz 

Website: http://www.nutritionsense.co.nz