Hero photograph
Flag pole - Junior Secondary
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Secondary Leadership

KingsWay School —

We are excited about the leadership opportunities that are being created in Junior Secondary. The opening of our Junior Secondary space, Te Kāinga, has been a highlight of Term One. This also marked the start of our Hospitality leadership team, who helped to set up the event and serve our invited delegates.

Image by: KingsWay School

Our newly created Sport leadership team helped to oversee the Middle School Top Town Day. Teachers made mention of their commitment and willingness to go the extra mile as they served throughout the day.

Recently, our newly appointed flag leaders were involved in training and will be responsible for raising and taking down the flags each week. Our vision is that as the year continues, new leadership opportunities will arise that will provide opportunities for students to step up and lead in areas that they have an interest and passion for.

Vanessa Gatman
Head of Junior Secondary