COVID-19 Update, 28 August 2020
Welcome Back to School
Dear KingsWay Community,
It is going to be great to return to school on Monday, and I want to thank everyone for the monumental effort in the past two weeks. However, it will not be business as usual when we return. Please continue to exercise grace and kindness to each other as we make the shift back to Level 2 again! Please also support and adhere to the following protocols from Day 1 until further notice.
A few updates to prepare you for Monday:
- The Tuckshop and Uniform Shop resume regular trading from Monday. Please sign in on the QR code.
- Year 13s are not permitted to leave the site at lunch for the first week back.
- We request that parents do not come on-site unannounced, unless for urgent business or to visit the uniform shop.
- Parents of Senior School students should avoid Jelas Rd at the start and end of the day. Instead arrange to drop and collect students in the surrounding neighbourhood, which is only a safe, one-minute walk.
- Parents of Primary students in Years 1-2 should avoid congregating, and only stay on site until they have settled their child.
- Sports practices and matches are postponed until further notice.
- Please remind your children of healthy practices such as avoiding anyone’s breath zone, sneezing etiquette and regular washing of hands.
- Please use the regular systems to inform the school if your child is unwell.
- Middle School students can wear their PE gear under the uniform to avoid overcrowding changing areas.
- Bus protocols - please refer to the KingsWay School website for the update from Auckland Transport (AT).
Senior School Specific
A reminder that on Monday, there will be no assembly. We will run with Tuesdays bell times, but Monday classes.Therefore, all students should go straight to form class instead of period one on Monday.
- Catch up sessions are being arranged for students in subjects where this is needed. Classroom teachers will be contacting individual students about the timing of these. Note that some of them involve four-hour time slots from 1 pm to 5 pm, although this full-time allocation may not always be used.
- Our NCEA Practice Examinations/Derived Grade examinations are scheduled to start on the week of Monday 19th October. Preparations for this are underway, as are contingency plans should we not be able to proceed with them.
Middle School Specific
Middle School staff are very excited about the return to face to face teaching. We cannot wait to see the school bustling with our young people and all reconnecting. Keep an eye out for the parent email from your child’s form teacher.
Middle School Event Update
- Year 9 Carey Park – cancelled
- Relationship Evenings – postponed
Primary School Specific
- Parents of Primary students in Years 1-2 should avoid congregating, and only stay on site until they have settled their child.
I was feeling sorry for myself the other day until I thought of those who lived in the first 45 years of the 20th Century. They endured ten years of world wars, a great depression, the Spanish flu and untold other hardship. Let us continue to pray for a quick resolution to this pandemic so we can get on with life as we know and love.
God bless,
Graeme Budler
Executive Principal