KingsWay School — Jun 22, 2023

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

Your son / daughter has been invited to the 2023 Senior School Ball, and with the date rapidly approaching, it is important that you are informed of our procedure.

This formal event will take place for Year 13 students on Friday, 23 June, at Markovina Vineyard Estate. It will begin at 8:00pm and end at midnight. Tickets will be priced at $145.00 each and several KingsWay staff representatives will attend.

Please pay online into account number 123084 0192348 55 (for both you and your friend, if applicable). Please use your Name, Surname, student ID number and Y13 Ball as reference when making payments. Students will not be able to attend the ball if the money, permission slip and guest information (located below) has not been completed by Wednesday, 31st May. This deadline is necessary due to the catering requirements and approval of guests.

This will be a smoke-free, drug-free and alcohol-free event, meaning that students and chosen guests may not consume any of these before, during or after the school ball. If any unacceptable behaviour should occur, the school will be forced to contact parents to pick up their child immediately.

Students may apply to bring one friend who is not currently a student at KingsWay School, however, students are unable to bring a KingsWay student who is in Year 11 or younger. All parents will need to complete the application form for students to bring a guest to the Ball. Approval allowing the guest to attend the Ball is at the discretion of the Senior School Leadership team.

We would like to assure parents that the school will take full responsibility for students from their time of arrival until midnight. However, the school cannot accept responsibility for any after or before Ball events and we strongly advise parents to take responsibility and be aware of where their child is.

Ticket sales will start from Wednesday, 26th April, and will be issued to the students on the day of the Ball at the beginning of lunchtime. Students will need to be present at school until lunchtime.

Please contact Mr Wayne Strydom for any queries.

Please complete this Permission Form by 31 May.