Hero photograph
Seohee sang at the Middle School Talent show and won 3rd prize
Photo by Madison Cornwall

Year 7 Newsletter

Madison Cornwall —

Week 2, Term 3

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

We have had such a wonderful start to Term 3. Last week we watched a handful of Middle Schoolers celebrate their gifts in the talent show. It is so wonderful to see the variety of skill we have at KingsWay. Congratulations to Maya Chanakha from 7DSC who won over the judges with her hip-hop routine and took out first place.

Thank you to those of you that booked a conference this week. It is always good to be on the same page as parents and work together to give your children the best education possible.

Upcoming Dates:

  • Monday, 31 July - Thursday, 3 August: Production Rehearsal Week
  • Friday, 4 August - Friday, 11 August: The Lion King JR - Live Shows



We have noticed that student stationery is starting to dwindle away. Please can you make sure your child has:

- pencils
- red and blue pens
- ruler
- rubber
- protractor
- compass
- head/ear phones

Year 7 Motat Trip

  • Tuesday, 5 September – 7DSC, 7MCL, 7NCA
  • Thursday, 7 September – 7CVA, 7GDE, 7JPS

✍ Action Required: Please complete this form by Friday, 18 August - MOTAT Trip Permission Form

Buses will leave at 9:00 am to start at 10:00 am at Motat then return by 2:30 pm

Wear: Full school uniform with a KingsWay School jumper or jacket.
Bring: Students and parent helpers bring own lunch and a drink. Students are not to buy any food from the café.
Parent Helpers: We need five parent helpers per class for this trip, please indicate on the trip permission form if you are able to assist.

Year 7 Homework

  • Memory Verse - SOAP and recital
  • Reading - questions about their novels on the homework slides
  • Literacy as per teacher instructions
  • Maths as per teacher instructions
    *all homework is explained on the homework slides and these are posted on Google Classroom.

Next Week's Memory Verse:

"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:10

Ngā mihi

Year 7 Teachers