Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

God's Creation

KingsWay School —

Matariki Breakfast

7.00am on the 23rd of June, marked KingsWay School’s inaugural Matariki Celebration Breakfast.

In the cool morning air, Primary School parent Megan Grace, opened with a heartfelt karakia that was followed by the singing of hīmene to the Lord. A short message about the significance of Matariki for Māori and how we honour this at KingsWay School was punctuated with a bold Spoken Word of gratitude to Christ, by three of our Year 9 boys. Shortly after, young and old alike were encouraged to write gratitude messages on Matariki stars which adorned the edge of the Youngman Arena. Asha Leqeta, Year 13 Kaiāwhina, recited a karakia of thanks and everyone partook in a harvest-themed breakfast of piping hot soup, bread, fruit and yoghurt.

Thank you to everyone who made this a special event and we look forward to celebrating Matariki again in 2023.

Chris Martin
Associate Principal - Hauora and Wellbeing