Year 7 Newsletter
Week 4, Term 1
Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,
We have finally finished our first full week of school for 2023! And what an amazing week it was! Middle School is a big jump up from Primary School. I spoke to my students today and they said they were struggling with the changes like remembering their PE gear, stricter uniform rules, classes in different places and bell times. Please let us know if your child in particular is struggling with this transition so we can find ways to support them.
We had our first year level praise and worship this week and your children were absolutely amazing. They have such a hunger to know Jesus and I am so excited to see where this takes them throughout the year.
Unfortunately, we could only get one date for our rescheduled On Purpose Day and that is on the first day of Term 4. There will be more information coming out about this closer to the time.
Upcoming Dates:
- Wednesday, 1 March:
Year 7-8 GRIP Leadership Conference (invited students)
Whole School Parent Meeting (online) at 7:00 pm - Tuesday, 7 March:
PTA Family Fun Night at 5:00 - 8:00 pm on school field
PTA New Parents Meeting at 6:00 pm - Wednesday, 8 March: Middle School Top House
- Thursday, 9 March: ESOL Parent Meeting - 7:00 pm
- Friday, 10 March: ID/Portrait Photos & Class Photos
- Monday, 13 March: Year 7 - 9 Equipping Families Evening
- Tuesday, 14 March: Year 7 - 13 Summer Sport Photos
Year 7 Homework
- Memory Verse - SOAP and recital
- Reading
- Writing - Education Perfect
- Maths - typically a worksheet
Next Week's Memory Verse:
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
Ngā mihi
Year 7 Teachers
- 7MCL Miss Madison Cornwall Head of Learning - Year 7
- 7BBE Mrs Breanne Beckett
- 7CVA Mrs Cindy van Ingen-Kal
- 7DSC Mrs Diane Scarrow
- 7DSC Mrs Christina Vivian
- 7GDE Mr George Debenham
- 7NCA Mrs Natalie Cass
- Mrs Bianca du Plessis