Hero photograph

Community Update, 15 November 2021

KingsWay School —

A Note from Graeme Budler, Executive Principal

Dear KingsWay Community,

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa.

Today we start preparing the site in earnest for Middle and Primary School students returning on Wednesday. Year 10s will join us next week. If you have not done so already, please familiarise yourself with the procedures, protocols, and school area-specific information.

Thank you for completing the previous snap survey to gauge prospective onsite learning numbers. Dependent on the age group, we have many or most of our students returning to onsite learning, which is encouraging. Would you please confirm your child's attendance for the rest of the term by completing this short survey before 1 pm Tuesday, 16 November? This information will help teachers take accurate attendance and ensure the safety of students. You can still email your child's form teacher if your circumstances change between answering the survey and the end of the year.

Thanks for exercising such patience during a challenging time.


Ngā mihi nui and God bless,

Graeme Büdler
Executive Principal

Whole School Notices


College Sport Auckland (CSA) has made the decision to cancel all remaining Term Four sanctioned competitions and events for the remainder of 2021. This includes Volleyball, Cricket, Hockey, Summer Netball, Summer Football, Basketball and Touch.

Student Vaccination Register

Please remember to complete an update of your child’s COVID vaccination record asap if you have not done so already (for age 12 years and older). We respect your ability to choose, but please respond anyway so we can register your choice as required by the MoE. Please complete this FORM.

Once your child has had two vaccinations, please send a copy of their completed immunisation card or certificate to KingsWay's Lead Registered Nurse anita.wicks@kingsway.school.nz

This data is only collected for aggregation purposes and to update our health records should there be a COVID outbreak at KingsWay School. Specific personal information cannot and will not be shared with other agencies without your express permission in keeping with privacy laws.


Lockdown Life Series

If you wish to view any of the episodes in this series please open the pdf attached at the base of this newsletter.


Our counselling team are available for sessions for all students. Senior students can email Cherie.wallace@kingsway.school.nz or use the Booking Form to make a face-to-face appointment. Middle and Primary students are still able to meet online and are encouraged to reach out as needed.

Primary School Notices

Please carefully read the community update sent each day. This is where you will find key information regarding our return to school protocols to keep students, staff and parents safe.

Learning Packs / Devices (Year 5/6)

We are really looking forward to seeing many of our children return to school this week. Please make sure they have their learning pack each day they are at school. Year 5 and 6 will need to bring their device each day they are at school too.

Year 1-6 Alternate Teaching Days Roster

Please click here to view the roster of teaching and supervision days.

Library Books

Please return all library books as soon as possible with your child on their teaching day.


Children will need to be in their summer uniform on teaching and supervision days. Please make sure they have the appropriate footwear. Hats are required for children to play outside. Drinking fountains will be closed so please make sure your child has a drink bottle each day (water only).

Activity Cost Refunds

We are continuing to work on refunds for Activity costs. These will be processed by the end of the year. Thank you for your patience with this.

Middle School Notices

We are so excited about your children returning onsite on Wednesday. Teachers will teach their lesson online on Tuesday morning and then students will work through their set work for the day. Teachers will be offline after the morning Zoom as they prepare for onsite teaching the following day.

We have allocated a dedicated space both indoors and outdoors for each year level. Of note, is that Year 7 will be in Te Kāinga (Old Primary) which is the Junior Secondary from the beginning of 2022. The movement of classes is to allow for more airflow and to be further distanced apart.

Students will be updated on where to walk and not to mingle with other year levels unnecessarily. Homeroom teachers will help students know where to go on Wednesday morning by explaining before the day and when onsite. Year 7 are to go straight to Te Kāinga each morning.

If your child has a school-owned device or library books, please remind them to bring these along with all of their school stationery.

Senior School Notices

Study Leave

The last official day for Year 11-13 students on site is Thursday 18 November. From this point onwards they are on study leave. However, on Friday 19 November there may be additional workshops, practical tutorials and 'call backs' which teachers may organise on this day.

Y13's Farewell 18 November

We are planning to honour our Year 13's on Thursday 18 November with a celebration. This will be starting at 10:45 am. There will be no scheduled classes for Year 13's on this day. If subject teachers need further time with Year 13's there is a 'call back day' on Friday 19 November available. Teachers will initiate this if required.

As well as this, plans are also underway for a formal Graduation event on Friday 10 December. Information will be sent separately to Year 13 parents and students on this.

Year 10's

  • Monday 22 November: we welcome all Year 10's back on site. All Senior School staff are extremely excited to recommence in-person learning.
  • From Monday 22 November all Year 10 classes will take place in designated classes in the upper Sanford and Allen Block (different from the timetable, but will be posted on the day). The day will commence with an extended time in Form Class from 8.45am to reconnect with each other.

  • Core classes will be designated a 'homeroom for most of their core subjects and option subjects will be given a specified teaching space. Alternate spaces will also be designated for Form Classes

  • Wellbeing and opportunities for safe reconnection for students and staff will be at the forefront of learning through to the end of the school year.

  • As per previous communications, there will be no exams for Year 10's as originally scheduled.

  • During weeks 6/7, core subjects (English, Mathematics, Social Sciences and Science) will be doing shorter assessments to round off their current units.

  • Friday 10 December: Last day for Year 10's. Heads of Faculty have been canvassed about curriculum coverage in subject areas and have given feedback that students will have covered all content required prior to Year 11.

Unexpected Event Grades

We have been fielding a number of queries about UEG’s. As noted previously, the Ministry of Education has said they expect students to sit their final NCEA Examinations. Exceptions would be if there is a health issue on the day or there is significant psychological distress related to Covid-19. This is why we have encouraged students to sit their final exams if possible.

However, there is no official process for this/nothing the school needs to do to 'apply' for UEG's. Students automatically will receive the higher of the two grades, whether they attend exams or not. Please refer any queries to daniel.bennett@kingsway.school.nz