Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School


KingsWay School —

The Purpose of ‘Lifelab’

PURPOSE | Know what I value and that this shapes how I use my strengths and talents in action.

KingsWay is into its second year of our Lifelab revamp of the Form Class Curriculum from Years 1-13 schoolwide. The aim of the programme is that students would have a cohesive and varied learning experience over their years at KingsWay that intentionally grows in intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ via four distinct strands:

  • Discipleship – Growing in personal faith
  • Scripture – Deepening our understanding of scripture
  • Community – Loving God and loving others
  • Life Skills – Authentic engagement with our world

The aspirations were for Staff to collaboratively, in year levelled teams, envision lessons that delivered pastoral care and discipleship to accomplish the higher aspirations of our Special Character objectives more meaningfully and strategically. Through these processes, staff have emerged, feeling energised and motivated, working together to see our students thrive.

In Year 11
Students anchored the year by starting with “The Field Guide to the Bible;” structured teaching around scripture and prayer. Students went about goal setting with spiritual, academic and sport pursuits in mind; they reflect periodically on progress, once per term. There has also been a thematic focus, looking at ideas such as forgiveness, hope, stress / anxiety, and the joy of serving. As an example of this with service, Years 12s and 13s were asked to come and share on current service roles within and outside of school, discussing what they gained from their experiences. An emphasis has accompanied this on the Student Volunteer Army and a chance for students to lead devotions in their classes every Wednesday.

In Year 12
Students have sought to develop spiritual disciplines and critically reflect on the importance of Easter via the ‘Stations of the Cross.’ Using scripture, with a study of Ecclesiastes, students can see how our faith wrestles with life’s tough questions. This year we have also encouraged metacognition regarding our ‘Story So Far’, where students discern what testimonies they have of God’s visible and invisible hand on their lives. Term 3 will explore a ‘Body, Hands and Feet’ social action project that addresses a local need (last year students supported Youthline with a bake sale and delivered care packages in person to Auckland CBD and a local Orewa Beach clean-up). Considering Life Skills, in Term 3, we will cover practical material presenting a Biblical view on sexuality and relationships ethics, splitting into all boys and all girls sessions.

In Year 13
Students have been considering the Great Commission – what this is and what it looks like for our Senior School community to be hands and feet. For many, this practice applies to their varied leadership, council and prefect roles, and Lifelab often provides an organic opportunity to serve in those capacities. As another opportunity, these students continue our long-established tradition of Peer Support, creating opportunities to engage with students in Year 9 around learning at school, growing in faith and discipleship. A Term 3 focus will involve explicit consideration for life beyond KingsWay School, cognitively, pragmatically and emotionally preparing for the reality of finishing Year 13.

Overall, the pilot and implementation of these changes have been well received by students and staff alike, and there is enthusiasm for further refinement for the learning purpose. The vision for a KingsWay graduates is that they are confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners who are growing in faith, hope and love in Jesus. With our school verse front of mind, Christlikeness for our students would see them increase in wisdom and stature, in favour with God and Man (Luke 2:52). We desire that students would leave KingsWay School with an active and vibrant faith relationship with Christ that informs everything they do in their future.

Jared Grant
Year 12 Lifelab Coordinator