Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

Board of Trustee Elections, 2022

KingsWay School —

Board of Trustee Elections

Dear parents and friends of KingsWay School

The 3 yearly elections for our School Board come up this September. KingsWay is a complex and large multi-campus school and our board is a fantastic team of people who work collectively to help KingsWay prosper and grow. This is a brilliant opportunity for parents and those closely connected with our school to participate at a governance level to ensure KingsWay School continues to be a wonderful place for our children to learn and grow in their love for others, God, and his world. With eight scheduled board meetings a year, the time commitment is relatively light for most board members. Meetings are usually held on a Monday evening and would allow you, particularly if you have business and governance skills, to lend your expertise and skills to govern our school. Please consider whether this is an area you feel you use your God-given gifts to contribute to KingsWay School.

Please email Claire Pearce at Claire.Pearce@kingsway.school.nz to find out how to nominate either yourself or someone else to be a KingsWay School board member.

Peter Wilding,
Board Chairperson,
Acting Chief Executive Officer of KingsWay Trust