KingsWay School — Sep 26, 2019

Term 3 - It's a Wrap!

What a full and amazing Term 3 it has been in our Middle School!

Big events have included our production, ‘High School Musical’, Cross Country, Whanau competitions and hosting our visitors from KwangSung Dream School for the term.

Thank you to those in our community who hosted them in your homes and to our Year 9 students for making them feel so welcome.

I am sure this made such a difference to them while they were away from family for so long. I would also like to thank Wes Braddock and Stephanie Pollock for joining our teaching staff to accommodate this visit. What a combined effort of hospitality!

We have missed Yvonne Neville while she has been on sabbatical and thank Katie Richards for looking after her class in her absence.

It will be wonderful to have Yvonne on board again from the start of Term 4. It is hard to believe that Juergen Lier has only been with us for the term because he has quickly become a valued part of our Middle School family.

God has shown Himself faithful to us in so many ways as He always does. What a blessing to have KingsWaySchool where we can see Him leading and at work in so many ways.

The children have earnt their break, as have the staff who are already well planned for an action-packed Term 4.

Blessings to you all.

Lisa Lambert
Head of Middle School