Madison Cornwall — May 11, 2023

Week 3, Term 2

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

Isn't God so good?! I can't believe the beautiful day we had on Monday with our Cross Country! Right after we left it started bucketing down. It was such an incredible day of celebration and endurance. I was completely blown away with the effort our year 7's put in to running their race. They really gave it their all and pushed past any anxiety they may have ben feeling. Thank you to all those that came out to support us, or cheer on your children. 

Upcoming Dates:


A reminder that students are expected to be following the uniform guidelines at all times. 

Year Maritime Museum Trip

✍ Action Required: Please complete this form by Friday, 8 May - Year 7 Maritime Museum Trip Permission Form

Students travel by bus to the venue, leaving school at 9:00am and returning to school by 3:00pm.

Wear: Full school uniform with a KingsWay School jumper or jacket.
Bring: Students and parent helpers bring own lunch and a drink. Students are not to buy any food from the café.
Parent Helpers: We need five parent helpers per class for this trip, please indicate on the trip permission form if you are able to assist.

Year 7 Homework

Next Week's Memory Verse:

"Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." Colossians 2:7  (NLT)

Ngā mihi

Year 7 Teachers