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Middle School News and Notices

KingsWay School —

Dear Parents and Caregivers, 

Looking back on this year, I am full of gratitude and amazement. We could never have imagined the journey we needed to traverse as a community and as individuals. None the less, God has faithfully led and sustained us as we have supported each other and worked closely in partnership, wrapping ourselves around our young people.

In a year of change and challenge, it has been a privilege to see growth, resilience, faith, determination and the hand of God covering His people. As a Middle School, we have had everything we have needed to go from strength to strength. We have not only survived but rather thrived and have been able to make improvements in the teaching, learning and discipleship of our students. There is so much that has been achieved not only despite the challenges but also because of them. This is a living example of Romans 8:28 where we see how God uses all things for our good:

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

Valuable conversations have been had and lessons learnt, ones that don’t happen without challenging contexts. We can be thankful that God is with us in the valleys and on the mountain tops. God is our only certainty and that is sufficient for us.

Our Year 9's had a wonderful trip to Taupo recently where we celebrated their graduating Middle School. We've included some fun photographs from their trip at the base of this newsletter. Thank you to all our parent helpers who journeyed with us through the week. It is a wonderful time of year of celebrating with our young people in both formal and informal ways.

Please mark in your diaries the key dates below:

Middle School End of 2020

Middle School End of Term 4, 2020 — Image by: KingsWay School

Middle School Start of 2021

Here is an overview of the beginning of year dates. For more specific information please visit the school website calendar.

More detailed information is supplied at the beginning of the school year also:

Middle School Start of Term 1, 2021 — Image by: KingsWay School

I pray that each of our families would now the love of God more intimately and that we would live out of the sustaining power of His Holy Spirit daily.

Thank you for your partnership and support. Have a wonderful holiday season.

Kind Blessings

Lisa Lambert
Head of Middle School