KingsWay School — Oct 12, 2020

A KingsWay School Board of Trustees Newsletter

'You lead your people forward by your loving Hand’.

A warm greeting to all our school community from your Board. In a year of lock downs, recession and elections it’s tempting to drop our eyes down onto the immediate problems around us and not look forward and most importantly up. None of this year has caught God by surprise. Please read the following to keep you informed of what is being planned for Kingsway School, growing Christian Education and why.

A study of Millennials (aged between 25 to 39) showed those that attended Christian Education schooling were more likely to be meaningfully engaged with a range of social, civic, cultural, academic and spiritual outcomes that benefit society as a whole than their counterparts who attend state or private schools. Although academic outcomes were similar to many private schools, graduates of Christian education were also more likely to maintain a Christian faith, to be married and less likely to be divorced. While Christian education is not a fix-all or a guarantee of outcomes, this research highlights the value being added to children who attend Christian schools such as KingsWay.

As parents, we value this influence in the lives of our children and collectively as a School Board we want to ensure access to affordable Christian Education is available to as many families as possible.

Earlier this year, with the support of our Proprietor (provider of our land and buildings) and school management team, our Board published KingsWay School’s Growth and Development Plan that will take us through to 2030. The aim of this plan is to maximise the use of our school sites and provide quality facilities from which we can deliver Christian Education to our current students and the many new students who will attend our school for decades to come.

With a focus on the delivery of our 2030 plan, our Board is delighted to announce that our Proprietor has three significant build projects well underway in construction or planning stages.

Kind Regards

Peter Wilding
Chairperson of the Board

1. New Year 10 Precinct

Purpose: To locate up to 220 Year 10 students in the area formerly used as the old primary. This complex is being completely repurposed and internal walls being removed or altered to suit a more flexible learning environment for staff and students.

Internal View - Year 10 Precinct — Image by: KingsWay School
Internal View 2 - Year 10 Precinct — Image by: KingsWay School

Year 10 Precinct (changes to 'old primary')

Estimated completion: Stage 1: January 2021. Stage 2: January 2022

2. Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA)

Purpose: To provide a day and night, all-weather outdoor environment for Physical Education, other learning activities and sports training. The COLA will provide sun and rain protection over our current astroturf courts.

Example of COLA (covered outdoor learning area)
Example of COLA (covered outdoor learning area)

Estimated completion: June 2021

3. New Studio for Primary Campus

Purpose: To locate up to 300 Year 1 - 2 students at the eastern side of the Primary field. This is a longer-term project to meet the expected increase in roll demand and will require bank approval beyond our current 3-year portfolio of projects.

Location of new Primary Studio
An artist impression viewing the new Primary Studio from the current Primary field.
An artist impression viewing the new Primary Studio from the current KingsWay PreSchool.
An artist impression of the upper level of the new Primary block from Grut Greens.

Estimated completion: January 2024