Photo by KingsWay School
Middle School Notices
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I am pleased to say that our Middle School has settled back into onsite schooling very smoothly. We are mindful of supporting our students holistically as they navigate this year of change and challenge. We are privileged to walk alongside your children, partnering with you in giving them key messages of the peace and hope that comes from following Jesus.
Upcoming Information:
- Current Year 8 parents will see information about the Year 9 Options for 2021 both in this newsletter (attached below) and via email today. This is an opportunity to sit and discuss what your child is interested in and enjoys learning in a low-pressure context. Please be assured that this is not linked to selection of NCEA subjects in their future years.
- A particular highlight in Middle School is our Year 9 camp. Our Year 9 Camp letter for 2021 will be emailed early next week.
- Cross Country (combined as our Fun Run Fundraiser) is on Monday 21 September. More details to follow.
- Middle School Whanau Day (23 September) – Come to school in Whanau colours and have fun entering into the Hopscotch Challenge – a continuation of the Hopscotch fun from Distance Learning
Kind Blessings
Lisa Lambert
Head of Middle School