Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay school

Year 3 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 10, Term 3

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

We have reached the end of yet another very successful term of learning.

Thank you so much to all the parents who met with the teachers to discuss their children's progress. It is always such a delight to share your child's achievements and next learning steps with you. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated, and we greatly value our partnership with you, in developing lifelong learners equipped to serve as servant leaders in the kingdom of our God.

In Term 4 the Year 3 and 4's are going on a journey of discovery around how to be Courageous Conservationists. In Psalm 33:7 the bible tells us that God gathered together the waters of the sea and that He put the oceans in their places. Our wonderful Father created the oceans to help humans breathe clean air and keep planet earth in balance. He created them to provide energy and food to people around the world. He created them to home many living creatures, as well as many humans around the world. We are looking forward going on this learning journey of becoming courageous conservationists. Our aim, even from a young age, is to help our students advocate, and act is ways that show we want to be good stewards of God's wonderful creation by protecting and preserving our environment

Congratulations to the Red Admiral Butterflies for being the first Year 3 class to have all their swimming reply slips completed. Perhaps the parents should be receiving the ice lollies and not the children, I have no doubt that the Red Admiral Butterfly children will enjoy the reward and the extra play time on your behalf.

Please complete the form if you have not yet done so as a matter of urgency. No children will be permitted to attend swimming classes without your prior consent.

Please click on this link to complete the swimming (Tuesday 25 October -Friday 4 November) permission form.

Term 4, Year 3 – 6 Athletics Day

When: Thursday, 17th November 2022

Where: Metro Park, Millwater

Time: 9.00am – 3.00pm

Please click on the following link to complete a permission form for your child to take part in this event:

Year 3 - 6 Athletics Day (Year 3 Permission Form)

Now that the restrictions around COVID have lifted, please feel welcome to pop into the studio in the new term. We pray that you may have a special time with your children as they enjoy the two week break.

Lots of love and blessings to you,

Ngā Mihi Nui,

Year 3 Kaiako