Hero photograph
Junior Secondary
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Secondary

KingsWay School —

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Featuring in our Junior Secondary newsletter this week were descriptors of some of our new programme features. It is an establishing phase, and we are excited to have a student voice in that process. Our keyword this year is ‘responsive’ which means we are consistently looking at and to our students to see how we can be responsive to their academic, social, personal, and spiritual needs.

Our theme for the term whanaungatanga continues to be an overarching focus. To develop a culture of belonging through our Hauora and Life Lab programmes we are exploring identity, friendships, self-awareness (Myers Briggs personality tool), and emotional intelligence.

We are looking forward to getting in our samples of the Junior Secondary crewneck sweatshirt. We will ensure you have informed as soon as they are here.

Praying the Lord's peace, comfort, strength and joy over your families at this time.

Vanessa Gatman
Head of Junior Secondary