Hero photograph
Photo by KingsWay School

Senior School Notices

KingsWay School —

Dear Parents,

I hope that the parent conferences on Tuesday evening were valuable for you and thank you for your flexibility adjusting to the remote format this year. Early indications are that it worked well for parents and teachers alike, mixed with some technical glitches that in many cases were able to be resolved on the night. We will be conducting a review of the evening and some of you will be contacted to get a broader picture in the following days.

This week in assembly the presentation was focussed on truth. The changing societal view on truth was highlighted and we identified some pitfalls associated with a ‘perspective-based truth’ or individualised truth. The importance of realising that Biblical Truth is based on the unchanging nature of God was emphasised. This is important in light of research that shows many Christian university students lose their faith when confronted with critiques of the Bible and how interpretations have changed over time. As important as the Bible is, it is important for students to realise that its ultimate value lies in the fact that it reflects aspects of God’s nature. We encourage you to discuss the nature of truth with students around the dinner table, given the critical importance of it culturally and spiritually.

NCEA Information

­All students in Years 11, 12 and 13 will bring home information about NCEA this week. They will receive a copy of the external exam timetable and a brochure including information about credits required for NCEA Level 1, 2 and 3, Learning Recognition credits as a result of interruption to learning from Covid19, fees for international students, digital exams, results and entry to universities.

Electoral Commission

Next week we will have representatives from the Electoral Commission coming in to talk to our Year 13 students about the upcoming election and referendums. They will cover aspects of the NZ political process, motivate students to get involved in the election and guide them through enrolling to vote. According to recent data, at the last election in 2017 there were 157,300 young people (aged 18-24) within the Auckland electorates who were able to vote. Yet only 75,435 (47.96%) of these young people voted. We hope to educate our eligible KingsWay voters that they can play a part in the democratic process and have a voice on the future direction of the country.

Set for Life

Also next week our year 12 students will start a Life Skills programme based around Relational Wisdom. They will be taught information and skills regarding sexual wellbeing to make good decisions for their health and future. In current culture, with media and social media saturation, we feel it is crucial students receive this wisdom from accurate sources and through a biblical worldview. As Paul encourages us in Romans 9.12 “do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” – we hope students will use this time to reflect on Godly relationships and we encourage dialogue at home as well.

Senior School Cross Country

Next Friday, 7 August in Period 5 and 6 Students from Year 10 – 13 will participate and compete in the annual cross country event. This is a great chance to come together across all our senior levels and enjoy the afternoon’s activities. Students will be running around the local Millwater parkway area and finishing at school for end of day buses as per normal. We look forward to our first large house event since being in lockdown.

Year 13 Geography Trip to Muriwai

This week the KingsWay Geography department took both Year 13 Geography classes to Muriwai Beach for a day trip, as part of their research assessment on coastal processes. We enjoyed a pristine day where students conducted a range of data collection methods. This experience also helped them gain a better understanding of the Muriwai coastal environment for their external exam. The group was well led by their teachers Chris Martin and Colette Budler.