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Year 8 Science - Learning about chemical changes by Vanessa Gatman

Middle School Newsletter

KingsWay School - August 24, 2023

Week 6, Term 3

Full School Notices

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Middle School Notices

Message from Vanessa Gatman - Deputy Principal Middle Years

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

Congratulations to the Year 7-9 Mathex teams who competed this week at the Auckland Mathex Schools competitions.

Next week we have more exciting opportunities with some of our Year 9 students attending Tournament Week. We wish the following students all the best:

Hockey: Michaela Gardner, Christine du Preez, Kayla Tappan, Sienna Harris , Brooke Taylor, Chanté Peens, Jacob Guillermo, Titus Sim, Alex Wang, Rhys Gillanders, Zachary Hamilton

Football : Isabella Smith

I would also like to acknowledge Ben Pedersen and Ethan Gloy who are involved in a rugby tournament in Wellington. 

Next Thursday, we celebrate our Year 9 students learning with an interactive Renaissance exhibition. We would like to invite you to join us in the afternoon to celebrate our students' learning. The exhibition will be based in the Wharenui. Please see the official invitation below.

A reminder that Monday is Teacher Only Day. Have a wonderful weekend. 


Middle School Missions Council

The Middle School Missions Council is collecting good quality items during Weeks 6 and 7 for the SALT Community Op Shop, which recently opened in Orewa. The profits from the Op Shop are used to fund food hampers that are given to those in our community that need them. Items can be brought to S120. 

Invitation to view the Year 9 Renaissance Exhibition

Year 9 - Invitation to their interactive exhibition — Image by: Vanessa Gatman

Middle Years Wellbeing - Deans

Middle Years students can sometimes be thoughtless in the way they talk to each other, not realising the impact of their words. Research shows that your brain responds to words in ways that affect your experience of the world. Words can hurt or they can heal. Despite how small or insignificant you may view certain words; in the right context they have enough power to change someone's life and dictate how they view themselves entirely. These words can change the way they feel about themselves, how they value themselves and how they continue on with their lives. It is important to discuss with your children how their words, whether on social media or face to face, can have a significant effect on the lives of those around them.

Ephesians 4:29 "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Middle School Contacts

Year Level Newsletters

Please click on the year-level link for your child to read this week's year-group newsletter:

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