KingsWay School — Apr 11, 2021

Our Kahui Ako team was created in 2019. In addition to KingsWay School, it also incorporates Jireh School and Westminster School. Working together, we decided upon three foci to realise the objective of improving student outcomes. These are: English Language Learners (ELL’s), Student Wellbeing and Key Competencies.

The first part of 2021 will be particularly dedicated to implementing the ESOL principles and strategies which we investigated last year as part of our Professional Development. The purpose of this is to raise achievement levels of our Second Language English speakers. Research and our own experiences have shown that implementing both the strategies and principles in our teaching practice will lead to improve overall student outcomes.

At the end of last year we carried out a follow up survey on teaching staff to discover if the PD held last year had been of value. The results were very encouraging across all the schools. We understand that this is a long journey and we have only begun to take the initial steps. Therefore this year will be one of further Professional Development and consolidation in this area. We will be gathering more data, this time from students themselves, to ensure that we are ‘adding value’ to the students in our care. Our intent is to listen and be responsive to student voice. Please note, we welcome comments and observations from our parents too!

We appreciate your prayers as this is an extensive endeavour and we are so thankful for what we have been able to achieve so far. We are looking forward to a year of exciting opportunities to help our students increase their learning.

Ki Atua hei te Kororia -To God be the Glory