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Mathex - A Year 7 group fully engaged in problem solving to win the ultimate prize! by Vanessa Gatman

Middle School Newsletter

KingsWay School - May 18, 2023

Week 4, Term 2

Full School Notices

All parents/caregivers please read the link above.

All Sport Notices

If your child plays sport, please click on the link above.

Middle School Notices

Message from Vanessa Gatman - Deputy Principal Middle Years

Kia Ora Parents, Caregivers and Whānau,

A very big thank you to all who came to support our Mathex and Biblex teams last night. It is our first year including Junior Secondary in our competition and it was wonderful to have a Middle Years event. Congratulations to all who participated and to our winners (including our parent teams who were great competitors). I would like to acknowledge the hard work of Mrs Cindy van Ingen-Kal, Mr Pierre Barnard, Miss Ruth Gong, Mr Robert Thompson, Miss Yali Zhang, Mrs Liezl Wienand and all our teachers who continue to go the extra mile for our students. 

Next week, we have Year 7 and 8 trips and a Year 9 Outdoor Pursuits Trip. Please ensure you have completed the Outdoor Pursuits permission form so that your child can go.

Please note that if students are on site at school after 4:35 pm, they will need to use the Jelas Rd exit. The back gate will be locked at 4:35 pm to ensure tighter security.

KingsWay School Choir

  • Saturday, 27 May: KingsWay School Choir Rehearsal 2:00 pm to 4.30 pm
  • Tuesday, 20 June: KingsWay School Choir - Big Sing

If your child is in the choir, CLICK HERE for full details and to complete the permission form.

Please note that students that have not paid will not be able to attend the Big Sing trip, payment is required by Wednesday, 31 May.

Year 7 - 9 Service Day - Wenderholm Park

  • Wednesday, 28 June

This is a voluntary event with a limited number of places available - register your child by Friday, 2 June. Students will travel by bus to the venue, leaving school at 9:00 am and returning at 3:00 pm.

ACTION REQUIRED: If you would like your child to participate in this service day, you need to register them by Friday, 2 June. To register, please complete this form: Service Day Permission Form

Wear: Mufti, closed shoes and socks, and a jacket. Gardening gloves are optional.
Bring: We recommend a towel/change of clothes in case of wet weather as the event will go ahead even when there is slight rain. Full lunch and a drink. There are no facilities for purchasing food or drink onsite.
Parent Helpers: We require parent help, please indicate on the permission form if you can help. If you volunteer, you will be sent an email to confirm your assistance is required.

Middle School Polar Fleece

Warm polar fleece jackets, made especially for Middle School students ONLY, can now be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Purchase ONLINE or book an appointment at the Uniform Shop to try on sizes.

The new Middle School Polar Fleece — Image by: KingsWay School

Middle Years Wellbeing - Deans

Here are three simple steps you can use anytime and anywhere to boost yourself and build your compassion for others. By tuning in to your feelings, looking for what is good and sharing kindness, you can nurture yourself and help improve things daily.

Relax your breathing and notice: How am I feeling right now?
Look around you and ask yourself: What am I thankful for?
With warm feelings, ask yourself: Who do I want to send love to?

There are many significant and worrying issues in our world right now. We cannot always change what is happening, but we choose how we respond.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Middle School Contacts

Year Level Newsletters

Please click on the year-level link for your child to read this week's year group newsletter:

Click here for other EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES