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Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices

KingsWay School —

Important Notices and Reminders for Junior Campus Parents

Top Carpark Area

Parking Permits - KingsWay parking permits have been issued to families genuinely requiring reserved disabled parking in the top car park area.

The disabled parking spaces must not be used without a KingsWay parking permit.

Coned Area - vehicles MUST NOT park around the coned off area in the top car park. This will be monitored.

Before and After School

PLEASE NOTE that the Junior Campus is open from 8:30am to 3:30pm every day. 

Children arriving or leaving outside of these hours will be placed in the care of SKIDS at the parent’s expense. This is a Health and Safety requirement. Perhaps consider car-pooling or sharing care for your children before and after school, if necessary.

Children walking to school from Millwater are to enter through the pedestrian gate and walk past the caretaker’s shed onto the path.

Parents using the lower car park and surrounds are reminded to please hold their child’s hands to ensure their safety when arriving and leaving the school grounds. Please reverse into car parks when possible to ensure greater visibility of pedestrians when exiting the car park at peak time.

After School Modern Dance

Fun, creative dance for Year 4, 5 and 6 girls on Thursdays, at 3.15-4pm in the Totara studio. 

A mixture of Christian and contemporary music with a performance concert at the end of term.

Cost: $35 for the term.

Tutor: Judith Douche. Bookings ph or txt Judith on 027 6715881.

Classes started on Thursday, 1 March.