Hero photograph

Year 12 Newsletter

KingsWay School —

Week 5, Term 2

Message from Deans

We are seeing students across the board engaging and serving in the life of the school in many positive ways. Whether in the classroom, the sports field, international week or in mission (World vision). As parents, please continue to encourage your children to take up these different opportunities where possible. World Vision this term is an initiative that they could be part of which serves people and is a great cause. Events related to this are the World Vision Quiz and Walk for Water events in Week 8.

Upcoming Events and Notices

Wider Learning Semester Two

Emails have been sent to parents confirming the Wider Learning Placements for Semester Two. Please note that changes will not be allowed after Friday, 2 June, as timetables need to be finalised. A reminder that, where applicable, payments need to be made before Monday to secure your child's place.

KingsWay School Choir Rehearsal, 27 May

There will be an extra rehearsal for choir students in the Event Centre on 27 May from 2:00 pm to 4.30 pm. Afternoon tea will be provided.

KingsWay Lunchtime University Presentations

All Year 12 and 13 students are welcome to visit the following university information sessions that the Pathways Faculty has arranged. These sessions will provide you with more information and answer any questions you may have regarding university pathways.

This will be held in the Wharenui during lunch time on the following dates:

6 June   : The University of Auckland

20 June : AUT University

27 June : University of Otago

18 July : Massey University 

ACTION REQUIRED : Level 1-3 Dance Atamira Workshop, 29 May

A reminder that all Senior Dance students have the incredible opportunity to participate in a workshop, run by renowned New Zealand Dance company ‘Atamira’. Dancers from this company will be coming in to lead exercises and activities around Choreography skills and Technical skills – both will be extremely helpful and beneficial for upcoming dance assessments across Years 11 – 13.

The workshop will take place on Monday in the Event Centre from 12.45 - 3.10 pm (students will attend P3a then have their lunch break from 12-12.40 pm). Students are to bring their dance gear, packed lunch and a water bottle. The workshop cost of $20 has been added to students' accounts. Please complete THIS permission form and payment today.  Payment can be made into the Senior School Bank account 12-3084-0192348-55. Please enter your child’s Surname and ‘Dance Workshop' in the reference spaces.

Please note that students that have not paid will not be able to attend the workshop. 

ACTION REQUIRED : Level 1-3 Music, Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra Discovery Concert, 31 May

The Kingsway Senior School Music students will be attending the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra’s Discovery Concert on 31 May from 10.30 am to 2.00 pm. Students will travel to Auckland Town Hall by bus.

Students are to bring a packed lunch and water as there will not be opportunity to buy lunch at the venue. The trip cost of $25 has been added to students' accounts to cover ticket and travel expenses.

Please complete THIS permission form and ensure that payment is received by 22 May.  Payment can be made into the Senior School Bank account 12-3084-0192348-55. Please enter your child’s Surname and ‘Orchestra’ in the reference spaces.

Please note that students that have not paid will not be able to attend the trip. 

ACTION REQUIRED – Level 2 Outdoor Education Surf Camp, 6- 9 June

As part of the Level 2 OED focus this term, students will be travelling to Matapouri during week 7 this term to complete their Surf and Social Responsibility work. They will be taking part in a number of surfing lessons with NZ Surf Academy and completing assessments as a result of this week. Students will be leaving after school on Tuesday, 6 June, and returning end of day on Friday, 9 June.

Please complete THIS permission form and ensure payment of course costs is received, or a payment plan put in place, prior to the trip. Payments can be made into the Senior School Bank account 12-3084-0192348-55. Please enter your child’s Surname and ‘L2OED costs’ in the reference spaces.   As the school incurs costs, students will not be allowed to attend where payment (or a payment plan) has not been received.

ACTION REQUIRED : Senior School World Vision Fundraiser Event, Walk for Water, 12 June

This year we have an opportunity for Year 11-13 students to engage in fundraising for the World Vision 40 Hour Challenge. For this we will be walking around the Orewa Estuary during lunchtime and flexi study (Period 4) to emulate what it is like for many children around the world who walk upwards of 6km to get access to water (more than once a day). The money raised from the event will go towards World Vision's efforts to provide more people around the world with clean, accessible water. Please have a talk with your child to see if they are interested, and then complete THIS permission form which includes the payment details.  

ACTION REQUIRED : Level 2 and 3 DVC, Thermosash Commercial, 13 June

On 13 June, the Level 2 and Level 3 students will be going to Thermosash Commercial where the students will see a company which uses CAD software. Design and manufacturing of external cladding of buildings and more specifically, glass, is what Thermosash specialises in.

This outing will give students exposure to the use of Fusion 360 in the workplace and its application to product and spatial construction. Students will leave from school at 9:00 am and will be back by 2:00 pm. Students will travel by bus.

The cost of the outing is $35. Please complete THIS permission form and ensure that payment is received by 7 June.  Payment can be made into the Senior School Bank account 12-3084-0192348-55. Please enter your child’s Surname and ‘DVC trip’ in the reference spaces.

Please note that students that have not paid will not be able to attend the trip. 

KingsWay Cross Country Fun Run, 16 June

This event will run from Metro Park and is an opportunity to come together as Senior School this term. Students should consider using this run as an opportunity to complete this 6 km circuit to fundraise for the World Vision fundraising taking place this term. Senior School students will take part in some whānau and community activities during Period 3 at Metro Park before gearing up for the cross country run. Note that for competitive runners, this is the school cross country event for 2023. Whānau points are on offer for all participants as well as the opportunity to contribute to the global community through fundraising. Further details on the schedule of the day will follow in due course.

ACTION REQUIRED: Kingsway School Choir Big Sing, 20 June

The Kingsway School Choir students will soon be performing at the Big Sing Auckland! The Big Sing is a regional secondary schools choral festival that takes place in 10 centres involving around 8,000 students from over 200+ schools, supported by their families and communities. The Big Sing has been taking place for over 30 years and is New Zealand’s largest choral event with singers entering regional competitions held all over New Zealand.

If your child is participating in the choir and has not yet paid their Choir Fees of $35, please do so by 31 May. Payment can be made into the Senior School Bank account 12-3084-0192348-55. Please enter your child’s Surname and ‘Choir’ in the reference spaces. Please complete THIS permission form to confirm your child's attendance.

Please note that students that have not paid will not be able to attend the trip. 

ACTION REQUIRED : Level 1-3 Drama, King Lear Trip, 22 June

As part of our Senior Drama programme, all students who take Drama in Years 11-13 will be going to see Auckland Theatre Company’s production of King Lear on Thursday, 22 June. This counts as a school day and will take place school hours, so students are to come in correct uniform and bring morning tea and lunch. A bus will transport students to and from the venue. The cost is included in the course fees. This is a compulsory trip, as students write an exam on the performance at the end of year. Please complete THIS permission form to confirm your child’s attendance.

The Year 12 LifeLab Teachers