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Newsletter - Emergency
Photo by KingsWay School

KingsWay School is in Alert Level 3

KingsWay School —

The Ministry has advised that we are entering Alert Level 3 for the next three days!

Dear KingsWay Community,

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time. While the Ministry has advised that we are entering Alert Level 3 for the next three days, I want to prepare for the eventuality of an extension of this period.

I will resume a daily update at 5 pm until further notice unless I receive an urgent update in which case I will communicate through the School App in the first instance. Please refer to protocols and procedures for Alert Level 3 See Information below

In the meantime, I wish to share the following summary of essential Information for Wednesday, 12 August:

  • Members of the senior management teams will supervise children of essential workers for the next three days. Where possible, please keep your children at home until further notice.
  • The Junior Campus is closed during Alert Level 3. A Senior Staff member will escort students who arrive at the Junior Campus on Wednesday to the Senior Campus. Parents and caregivers must collect their children from the Senior School front gate at 3 pm. Please park in the lower car park where a staff member will escort your child to your vehicle. Please do not leave your car or enter the buildings onsite without permission.
  • All schooling of children of essential workers will be at the Senior Campus during Alert Level 3.
  • The nurses and receptionists will supervise the office. Please avoid unnecessary phone contact with the school to allow for urgent messages to get through. The office contact details are: 09 427 0900 and office hours are 8.30 am-3.30 pm.
  • The management has postponed all school activities until further notice.
  • If senior students have left any property essential to online learning at school, such as a laptop or artboard at school, I ask that you contact the office telephonically to arrange and confirm a pickup time before Wednesday, 12 pm.
  • KingsWay sites are now restricted. Please do not access the site without permission and prior arrangement. Use the school app and sign in at reception.
  • No online learning will happen tomorrow. However, I will communicate instructions for the commencement of online learning during my daily briefing on Wednesday, 13 August.
  • Children of non-essential workers who have not received this message will be supervised in a safe environment until their caregiver can safely collect them.
  • It is essential to know who will attend school tomorrow to ensure your child’s safety. Please email the office if you are an essential worker and require supervision of your children for the next three days.

Kind regards,
Graeme Budler
Executive Principal

Alert Level 3 Procedures and Protocols

The leadership prepared the following Q & A to assist with this transition. If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me at principal@kingsway.school.nz

The guiding principles for our decision making are:

1. Ensuring the health and safety of staff, parents, and students remain paramount.

2. One size does not fit all. We are aware that everyone has a different context, and hope to support people with challenges or unique requirements.

3. We do not expect staff to do two jobs or be in two places at once. Students who attend school during Lockdown Level 3 will not be taught but supervised.

4. The school has adopted a high trust model. We trust that you will only send your child to school if you cannot supervise them at home.

5. We aim to minimise risk by restricting student and staff’s movement and use of space while onsite. This procedure allows us to conduct a deep clean of used areas daily.

The ELT will survey parents on Wednesday to ascertain who intends to send their child to school during Lockdown Level 3. There will always be a member of the ELT and SMT from each school syndicate onsite, although all staff continue to be contactable during office hours via email.

The leadership will draft a separate briefing paper when we move to Lockdown Level 2.

Who should attend school during Lockdown Level 3?

We encourage all students where possible to stay home during Lockdown Level 3.

Senior and Middle School classes continue online until Alert Level 2. School hours are from 8.30 am to 3.10 pm. No students are allowed on site before 8.20 am unless being dropped off by the bus. Students should immediately report to their supervision area on arrival where a duty teacher will record their attendance. Students will continue with their online programme while at school.

Parents should not enter any classes or buildings without first reporting to reception. Parents who must enter the admin areas should do so while maintaining social distancing and be accompanied by a member of staff.

Where will my child be supervised?

All student supervision is on the Senior Campus 100 Jelas Rd, Orewa. Please use the kiss and drop at the front gate to drop your child if they are in the Middle or Senior School. Parents of younger students may park in the grounds and walk their children to the Wharenui, while maintaining social distancing at all times. Please do not linger, but immediately leave the site once you have dropped off your child.

How do I maintain social distancing during Level 3 while at school?

Please regularly discuss effective and safe social distancing practices with your child without creating any unnecessary anxiety.

No formal face-to-face parent/teacher meetings happen during Alert Level 3.

Lunch and morning tea will be at the same times. However, students who attend school are restricted to the hardcourt/Astro during recess times due to grass field maintenance. No games that involve physical contact or shared use of equipment are permitted.

No, aftercare service is available under Alert Level 3. All students need to be offsite by 3.30 each day. Staff will be offsite by 4 pm, and the gates will then be locked to allow for cleaning and security of the site.

The use of playground equipment is prohibited.

Parents with children in the primary can collect and drop off their children from the Senior Campus front gate. Middle and Senior School students should arrange an agreed meeting space in the Totara Views area for pickup. Please do not park and wait on Jelas Rd or clog up the kiss and drop area. A duty teacher will supervise this process before and after school.

Maintaining Effective Hygiene Practices

Staff supervising students will remind and ensure they follow the following safe practices:

  • No sharing of food or drink bottles
  • Wash your hands before and after morning tea and lunch. Teachers will supervise Primary students in Year 1-4.
  • Routinely wipe down computers, surfaces and other equipment using hand sanitiser and a disposable tissue after morning tea and lunch.

KingsWay will ensure all areas are thoroughly cleaned daily if used by students and staff.

What happens if my child falls ill during this time?

You will be contacted and asked to pick up your child at reception. If your child displays any COVID-19 symptoms, we will request that you take them to the Doctor and have them tested and confirmed to be healthy before they return to school. Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell.

Contact Tracing

It is essential to be able to carry out effective contact tracing in the event of a reported COVID-19 infection. We will:

  • Keep a register of contact details of any person who visits KingsWay. Please sign in at reception before entering any of the classes or buildings.
  • Keep a record of where you have been, when and who with and inform reception before leaving the site.