Hero photograph
Photo by Marian Bailie

Year 2 Newsletter

Marian Bailie —

Week 2, Term 1

Kia Ora Parents and Whānau

We have had a wonderful few days settling our students into Year 2. We are so impressed with how they are quickly learning our routines and expectations in our Ōwhanga, this week we have established a lovely positive working environment.

Image by: Marian Bailie
Image by: Marian Bailie

Reading will begin this week. Each week your child will bring home 2 readers to read to a parent or older sibling. Please note that the book they bring home may not be the same level or colour they were reading last year. This is intentional as we establish groups and gage where children are at after the long holiday. It is important that students not only decode the words, but read with understanding and comprehension. When you read with your child, its always a good idea to ask them questions about the text and have them retell the story with detail. Please refer to the Reading Instructions for further strategies.

Image by: Marian Bailie

Mathematics, we have included some ideas for you to work on with your child at home when it suits. This is knowledge we work on all year in Year 2. Feel free to support this work at home, counting in the car, adding number plate numbers together are some nice ways to incorporate Maths in your daily life!

Hats. I’m sure you’ve noticed that now we are back at school, the sun has decided to come out! Please ensure your child has a hat at school each day as they are compulsory in Term 1 and Term 4. Applying sunblock before school is always a good idea too.

Library day is Wednesday, please have your child return their library books inside their library bag each weeks so they can enjoy selecting new ones. 

Please help us to understand your child by completing the following survey:


Silverdale Historical Village

Please see the letter attached below.



The Home Learning Sheet has been attached below.


Year 2 Kaiako

Marian Bailie, Kerry McNair, and Danel Sims