KingsWay School — Sep 15, 2020

A summary of yesterday's announcement / Nine things you need to know about Alert Level 2.5 / Term 3 calendar updates

Dear KingsWay Community,

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced a continuation of current alert levels until next Monday.

Although this is disappointing for many, I believe we should remain grateful that we are still able to meet as a school, albeit with several restrictions. This newsletter highlights the relevant Alert Level 2.5 information and updates on the status of school-related activities for the remainder of the term. The school leadership continues to adopt an approach of delaying the cancellation of events for as long as possible, and therefore these updates relate only to Term 3 activities.

Summary of Yesterday's Announcement

For Auckland, the same limit to gatherings will continue to apply (10 people). This decision will be reviewed by Cabinet on Monday 21 September to increase the maximum numbers able to attend gatherings. If this change does occur, it will take effect from Wednesday at 11.59 pm, 23 September. This decision is dependent on Auckland being in a similar position with containing the Auckland August cluster.

This decision is contingent on cases tracking as they are and maintaining the containment we have seen. The move to Alert Level 1 will be confirmed when Cabinet meet on Monday 21 September.

From today physical distancing requirements on planes and public transport will now be eased. Public transport operators do not need to maintain any seating restrictions or passenger capacity limits.

Face coverings continue to be compulsory on public transport (with existing exemptions continuing, including anyone under 12. Face coverings continue to not be required on school transport.

Nine things you need to know about Alert Level 2.5

1. Schools are open to everyone, and all children must attend.
At Alert Level 2.5 the disease is contained, but there is still a risk of community transmission. It is safe for children and staff to attend school.

2. Learning will be onsite with distance learning offered in some circumstances.
Distance learning should be provided for those required to self-isolate, those individuals who health authorities have asked to stay away while waiting for a test result, or those choosing to remain at home because they are vulnerable to illness.

3. Schools are not classified as gatherings, and a range of events and activities can go ahead.
But schools must be able to meet usual health and safety requirements and the specific public health requirements for COVID-19 for Alert Level 2.5.

4. Schools will close for cleaning and contact tracing if there is a confirmed case who was infectious when at school.
The school's Director of Education will work closely with the school and health authorities should this occur.

5. Face coverings are not required at school or on any school transport.
This includes charter buses hired by the school to transport students and staff. Anyone who chooses to wear a face-covering in any setting will be supported to do so.

6. Sick people must stay at home.
You should seek medical advice if they have COVID-like symptoms and get tested if advised to do so. If you display relevant symptoms of COVID-19, tests positive for COVID-19, or has been in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19, you must self-isolate.

7. Schools must have a contact tracing system in place.
This includes timetables, attendance and visitor registers and displaying QR code posters at entrances.

8. Fundamental public health measures continue to apply at every alert level:

9. Careful planning with any activity that brings a large number of students together and/or where spectators are involved.
Some events may need to be cancelled or postponed while we remain at Alert Level 2.5. Inter-regional travel is possible but only where we are confident the appropriate measures will be in place at the host venue, including requirements for gatherings.

Term Three Calendar Updates

Sport Fixtures

College Sport Auckland has made the decision to cancel all remaining winter sports fixtures. With a maximum of 4 days of competition left, it is not viable for the winter sports season to continue.

Although this is disappointing news for all those involved in secondary school sport, we encourage all schools to continue with their intra-school activities to keep students physically active for the remainder of the term.

We are now looking forward to Term 4 and the summer sports season.

Week 9

Friday 18 September:

Week 10

Monday 21 September:

Tuesday 22 September

Wednesday 23 September

Thursday 24 September

Friday 25 September

‘StudyIt’ forums reopen 21 September

StudyIt forums for NCEA English, Maths and Science will reopen on 21 September to support Year 11-13 students preparing for the end of year external exams. The online learning platform provides moderated forums to discuss achievement standards and general study and exam advice for NCEA English, Maths and Science from other students and facilitators.

I realise that many of you and your children may be disappointed with the cancellation and postponement of different events. May I encourage you to debrief with your children and to focus on the many blessings we continue to enjoy in New Zealand.

Kind regards,

Graeme Budler
Executive Principal