KingsWay School — Apr 14, 2021

Responsive Timetable (Initiation Phase)

Annual Plan Target

A dynamic senior campus timetable reflects the aspirations of the school and supports personalised student progress outcomes


As a Christian special character school, we want to have a timetable that enables the effective delivery of a quality Christian education programme.

It is important to define what is meant by a quality Christian education programme. Firstly, KingsWay’s programme encompasses both curricular and co-curricular learning. Secondly, it is not confined to a few special subjects like Devotions and Biblical Studies. “All aspects of school life, learning, and relationships are informed by Scripture and shaped by the gospel of Jesus Christ” (KingsWay Trust, 2019). Whether, coaching football on a Saturday, or teaching about prayer in Biblical Studies on Monday period 3, these learning opportunities are key and complimenting elements of delivering a quality Christian education programme.

In 2020 feedback was sought from teachers and students on a timetable that would meet the desired objectives. This was a well-conducted process with each group being able to feed into the timetable design on three occasions. A final timetable design was settled on by October ready for sharing with the board and community.


Planning is well underway with Middle School and Senior School for timetable implementation in 2022. A key focus of the plan is the professional development of staff as they prepare to teach inside a new ‘container’. Key features of this new timetable include: