Hero photograph
Junior Campus Newsletter Week 7
Photo by KingsWay School

Junior Campus Notices - Week 7, Term 2

KingsWay School —

Please read the following parent notices for the Junior Campus.


Dear Parents,

It was so good to see so many of our parent community come out to our annual parent night last Wednesday night. Together we looked at the significance of what it means to be ‘Turning 13’, flyers about this can be found at the Junior Campus Reception. We also discussed optional BYOD for Year 5 and 6 from 2019, an update of the Junior Campus Evaluation and the proposed timeline for future internal structural changes, as well as feedback from the recent 2030 Strategic Growth and Development Parent Survey. Thank you to all that were able to make it. We love being able to share important updates with our parent community as well as showcase what we have been doing as a Primary School.

Last week the Junior Campus staff and students welcomed approximately 30 families at two sessions of the annual KingsWay School Open Day. It was a fantastic opportunity to profile our school, to share our vision, values and facilities with prospective families. These visits are a great reminder of the precious school we have and the importance of our ministry to our community.

I would like to extend a BIG thank you to our parent community and whanau for your ongoing support. This includes PTA Fundraising efforts, mission fundraising, attendance on school trips and our various education outside of the classroom days. With your ongoing support, our children are able to take advantage of these days which provide fantastic opportunities for learning. Thank you.

Jordan Barley
Assistant Head, Primary

Barnes Dance Crossing

A Barnes Dance, also known as a ‘scramble crossing’ or ‘exclusive pedestrian crossing’, is an intersection where all pedestrians can cross on all crossings simultaneously and all vehicles must stop.

Auckland Transport are trialling this crossing at the Bankside Drive, Longmore Lane and Millwater Parkway intersection. The crossing will operate at specific times and ONLY on school days - mornings from 8.30am -9.15am and again in the afternoons from 2.50pm – 3.30pm.

You can see the cross hatching in place, count down lights are also going to be installed this week, and the trial will start on Monday, 18 June.

This is a great opportunity to have a conversation with your child about road safety and appropriate crossing behaviour. Constable Bryan is coming on Friday to teach our Primary students about using the crossing and to highlight key points;

  • Remember it is only operational before and after school
  • Walk don’t run
  • And if the count-down clock is under 10 you need to wait for the next phase before you cross


Constable Bryan Ward

Messages to Children During School Hours

Dear Parents,

There has been a noticeable increase in the number of parents phoning in to the Primary office, wanting messages to be delivered to their children.

Please note that reception staff are not permitted to leave the office unattended, and will no longer be able to do this unless in a real emergency.

Please ensure that your children know how they are going home each day and if a change in plan cannot be avoided, then let the office know BY 1pm, so that the teaching staff can be given the message at lunchtime.

Thank you

Jenny Harvey
Head of Primary

Junior Campus Car Park - Important Reminder

Please ensure cars are driving slowly and not speeding in or out of the car park. Parents waiting for their children are asked to turn their cars off and to remember to reverse into the car parks, if possible. 

Junior Campus Foyer After School

The Junior Campus staff require the support of all parents and caregivers to please vacate the Junior Campus foyer as quickly as possible after school.

We have various sports teams, Kumon Mathematics and The sKids After School Programme operating in this area from 3.05pm. They are finding it increasingly challenging to instruct their students and run their programmes effectively.

Activity Fees

A reminder that the Primary Activity Fees for domestic students are now past the due date. Please ensure payment is made as soon as possible. This notice is for domestic students only and does not apply to International Students. Activity fees are available on the KingsWay website. Please click on link below.


Forms are also available at the Junior Campus office. If you have any queries regarding activity fees, please contact Paula Southworth by email paula.southworth@kingsway.school.nz

Darby House Bake Sale - Friday, 29 June

On Friday 29 June, we have our second bake sale, which will be run by Darby to raise funds for Mission. All children in Darby House are asked to bring an item of baking to sell at lunchtime. There only needs to be one baked item per family. Please deliver all baked items to the staffroom first thing in the morning and cut any cakes, ready for selling at 50c - $1.00 per slice.

Students need only to bring loose change as items will cost 50c - $1.00.

Thanking you so much for your support and encouragement for Missions.

Angela Hillman
Missions Leader, Junior Campus

PTA Ladies' Night

Please donate your pre-loved clothes and accessories for our Ladies Night. Please bag up and drop off to either Senior Campus or Junior Campus reception collection points.

PLEASE NOTE: the last day for dropping off clothing for the Ladies Night is NEXT WEDNESDAY, 20 June.

Thank you for your support.
CLICK HERE for further information.

Health Centre 

The Junior Campus Health Centre is after size 4 girls' culottes for the muddy months when children require a change of clothes. If you have size 4 girls' culottes which are no longer needed, please consider donating them to the Health Centre.

Infection Control

Several students have recently succumbed to a vomiting/gastro bug. If your child has a tummy bug (not food poisoning), they remain contagious for up to two weeks after the last episode of vomiting and/or diarrhoea.

It is school policy to keep a child off school for at least 48hrs after the last episode of vomiting/diarrhoea. Children suffering from fevers and flu-like symptoms should remain at home at least 24hrs after the last fever.

Gastro, cold and flu bugs are thought to be able to survive on surfaces from one day to over a week, so it is a good idea to disinfect any surfaces that a sick child may have contaminated – benches, door handles, phones and keyboards. Ensure your child has plenty of rest and fluid.

This is a good opportunity for everyone to remind their children about the importance of never sharing food or drink and careful hand washing/drying, especially before you eat and after a bathroom visit.

Please be mindful of other students and teachers when assessing the right time for your child to return to school after an infectious illness.

Let’s have a healthy Winter!

Love Soup Winter Collection

Clothing for Love Soup: We are still collecting clean, good children’s clothing and winter blankets for Love Soup who distribute to families in our Community. Please bag up and drop off to either the Senior Campus or Junior Campus reception collection points. Thank you for your support.

Spanish Lessons

If you are interested in Spanish lessons held on the KingsWay Junior Campus on Fridays during school hours, please contact Cristina on 021 0734 528, for more information (our apologies as this number has been incorrect in previous newsletters).

Primary Assemblies

Please note there has been a change to Primary Sharing Assemblies, which will now be on Thursday afternoons every fortnight. Please see below for dates.

Primary Sharing Assemblies Term 2:

This assembly is for all Primary students and will be held fortnightly, in the School Hall from 2.15pm:

  • Week 8 – Thursday 21 June
  • Week 10 – Thursday 5 July

Parents are welcome to attend Primary Sharing Assemblies.

Studio Assemblies:

Held weekly on Monday mornings at 9am.

SKIDS Holiday Programme

Please CLICK HERE for further information.

North Harbour Hockey - July School Holiday Programme

The North Harbour July School Holiday Programme allows children of all ages social interaction with their peers in a safe, fun, sports-filled and engaging way.

"Both my sons had taken part in these programmes over the years and I can attest to its success."
Monica Coetzee, TIC Hockey at the Junior Campus

Please peruse the info below from North Harbour:

Hooked on Hockey

Harbour Hockey’s fun and engaging holiday programme is a mixture of hockey and non-hockey activities developed for ages 5 – 13 (school years 1 – 8). It is an action-packed programme with a quality coaching team that aims to provide an exciting and fun-filled experience.

  • Dates: Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th & Wednesday 18th July, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (attend one, two or three days)
  • Cost: $50 per child/day or $90 for both days or $130 for three days

CLICK HERE for further information.

CLICK HERE to register.