Hero photograph
New Slide 1
Photo by KingsWay School

Primary News and Notices

KingsWay School —

A note from Marion Santos

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting." Ralph Waldo Emerson

This term the Year Three children and teachers have the privilege of focusing on God’s creation for Topic studies. Our Biblical world view essential question is; ‘What evidence can we see of God's purpose through His creation? How do we honour God's purpose for us as His creation?’

We began the term focusing on the seven days of creation and discussed how the Lord’s great wisdom and His intentional purpose are clearly evident in the sequence of these events.

When studying the sun, moon and earth’s rotation we considered the Maori proverb; Hurihia to aroaro ki te ra tukuna to atarangi kia taka ki muri i a koe. Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you. Just as the Earth rotates into the light of the sun and shadows shorten, so to do the shadows in our lives diminish, as we turn our eyes towards our Creator. In the same way that the moon reflects the sun’s light, we must strive to let our lives reflect God’s light.

Throughout this term we have also been addressing the children’s responses to conflict and looking at ways to handle these situations God’s way. We intentionally selected the wow words for our weekly home learning to centre around the terminology we use when dealing with conflict. We have covered the topics of: Understanding Conflict, Responding to Conflict and Preventing Conflict.

In Year 3, we are learning to manage conflict in a way that pleases and honours our Creator, God, serve others and grow our characters to be more like Christ.

"Blessed are those who make peace. They will be called children of God." Matthew 5:9

What a privilege it is to see the Lord’s handwriting in the beauty of His creation and to watch seven and eight-year-old children striving daily to learn and honour their Creator.

Marion Santos
Head of Year 3 Learning

New Primary Slide Opening

Primary students enjoying the new slide which opened last week - With grateful thanks to the PTA, and members of the KingsWay Community who generously donated funds and supported the various fundraising efforts required to make this happen!

New Slide Official Opening — Image by: KingsWay School
New Slide - Mr Budler! — Image by: KingsWay School

Treat Tuesdays

Every Tuesday we have ‘Treat Tuesdays’ where children can purchase a Frozen Yoghurt or Lick Ice Block for $3.00 (coins only on the day). This is an ongoing fund raiser to enable KingsWay Primary to purchase our next slide.

Whole School Primary Assemblies

Week 8: Year 1-2 at 2.25pm – Friday 25 June

Week 10: Year 3-6 at 2.25pm – Friday 9 July

Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend

Year 5 & 6 Football Zone Day

The Year 5 & 6 Football Zone day has been postponed due to the fields being closed by the Council. This event will now happen on Tuesday 15th June, weather and field availability dependent.

KingsWay Primary Badminton Team

KingsWay Primary sent three teams on a Zone Day on Thursday 27th May 2021 to North Harbour Badminton Centre for the annual Primary School Badminton Team Challenge. It was our first time participating in this event and our first team came 2nd overall, in the 1st division. All teams played really well and showed exceptional sportsmanship both on and off courts. We had a very successful day and achieved remarkable results. I am super proud of all 3 teams! - Lisa Lin 1/2LLI

“We had two schools who for them was their first time in this competition, and they did not disappoint with their team’s ability and enthusiasm. Kingsway School from north of Auckland in Silverdale entered three teams with their top team coming runner up in the Championship section. The other school making their debut was Sherwood School from Browns Bay. Their team was awash with North Harbour Junior Representatives which showed in their match play. They were victorious, taking the winners title and holding aloft the Primary School Team Challenge trophy.

Congratulations to all schools that participated in this event. It was a very successful day which we hope to replicate in 2022.” – Badminton North Harbour.

World Vision

The focus for World Vision 2021 is the hunger crisis in sub-Saharan Africa. In Years 1-4, students are being encouraged to raise some money for people in need by sacrificing something of themselves. Suggestions are that they find some ways of doing chores to earn “chores for change” money, so if you could help them by either “hiring them” to do a chore or finding a family member or friend prepared to do so it would be greatly appreciated. An alternate challenge such as going 40 hours screen-free, going without furniture for 40 hours, or doing 40 acts of kindness.

If your Year 5 or Year 6 child would like to participate in the famine, they can register online via the link World Vision 40 Hour Famine | World Vision New Zealand. The famine weekend runs from 25-27 June. Please email your child’s teacher if your child is participating in the famine and has registered online.

Scholastic Lucky Book Club

Research shows that students who are given exposure to books daily by someone who loves books will develop the desire to learn to read. This intrinsic motivation can do more to help a child learn to read than all the worksheets in the world.

As a school we are excited to partner with Scholastic Book club to promote reading & books to our children. However, we are not sending flyers home with your children. All money spent will earn rewards for our school to use in the Library.

If you already have an account please follow the link below.


The issues are packed full of wonderful books which I’m sure your children will enjoy. There is a large selection available at wonderful prices, and each book you purchase, our school receives 20% back in rewards dollars. We will redeem these for more books for our Library or resources for our school.

To place an order, please follow the link below, register your details, add your child, find your school and once this is complete, (you only need to do this once) you are set to place your order.


To find our school type in the first 4 letters of our school name (leave the “area” field empty) and our school will drop down.

If you wish to purchase from your Phone, please download the Lucky Book Club App.

Please do not send Cash or Cheque payments to our school, we are participating with online orders only.

Please have your orders placed by the end of the day, 16/06/2021. All books will arrive at our school and will be delivered to your Childs classroom.

All issues will offer the “GIFT” option. This is a great option should you wish to do some shopping without your children knowing! If you select this, we will inform you directly when your order has arrived to our school, and you can collect from the library. Orders marked with “GIFT” will not go to the children’s Classrooms.

Should the book you ordered not be available, you will receive a credit voucher to the full value of the book and a replacement book at no cost. Scholastic would rather a book goes home with every child that has ordered one.

For help at any time you may call 0800 266 525 and chat to the friendly customer care team at Scholastic, or click on the help button on the Book Club platform.

You can also email bookclub@scholastic.co.nz

Thank you for your wonderful support.

Year 5 & 6 Rippa Rugby

On Thursday 27th May, we sent 8 teams (65 students) to the local Rippa Rugby day held at Silverdale Rugby Club. It was a fantastic day; the sun was shining and there was much excitement. All our teams showed a lot of enthusiasm, positive attitudes and made some great plays throughout the day. Well done to all of those who had a go at Rippa for the first time.

A huge thanks and much appreciation to Priscilla Croucher, Anna Hetrick, Joseph Cox, Ellardus Nel, Garret Pelser, Andre Steenkamp and Tracy Tan who helped our teams on the day.

Rippa Rugby Team — Image by: KingsWay School

PTA Cross Country Fundraising Launch

The Primary and Middle School’s annual Cross-Country run will be taking place in Week 9 on Tuesday 29th June at Shakespear Reserve. Primary children are already well into their preparation for this event.

Our Cross Country/Fun Run fundraiser has launched. Please see the letter we have sent home/emailed (Raise It Student Letter - attached as a pdf to the base of this email).

Head to https://kingsway.raiseit.co.nz to sign up for a fundraising profile for your child(ren). We are raising funds for additional playground equipment at the Junior Campus and for enhancements of outdoor spaces for the Middle School students.

This year we have partnered with a local company ‘Raise It’ to run our fundraising platform and we have some great fundraising spot prizes up for grabs CLICK HERE for details.

Thanks for your support!


Are there any people or businesses in our School community who would like to get behind this fundraiser and donate prizes of any value to this cause? Or, do you have connections with people or businesses who might like to contribute? Or would you like to donate a dollar amount towards buying prizes to be used as incentives. We are looking for small to medium value prizes that can be offered as spot prizes or larger ones that could be used for individuals. If so, please email Raelene.Beguely@kingsway.school.nz as soon as possible. You will be recognized as a prize donor (if you choose to) on our fundraising website, as well as in our school newsletter and Facebook pages.

Year 5 & 6 Basketball Sessions


Hibiscus Coast Basketball is offering to run sessions for Year 5 & 6 students during Term 3. Day and time TBC. Please email Raelene.Beguely@kingsway.school.nz to register your interest. If there are enough students, I will let you know how you can register.

Before or after school & lunchtime sessions:

  • Boys Academy – (8 weeks) from Week 2 - Week 9 - $35 per player
  • Girls Academy – (8 weeks) from Week 2 - Week 9 - free

Please click on the image attached at the base of this newsletter for more details.

Parents of Prayer

We welcome all parents who would like to join our friendly Parent Prayer group to pray for our Primary School on Tuesdays at 9am in the Junior Campus staff room.

Extra Activities

Please see the advertisements below (either as images or pdf attachments) for the various extra activities that take place at KingsWay School during the week:

  • Girls Under Lights Football - FRIDAY 18TH JUNE
    Hibiscus Coast Football Club is holding a ‘have a go’ night for all girls aged 7-10 years old. Please see the flyer attached below for more details.
  • R&B Music Tuition at the Junior Campus
  • Kelly Sports
  • Chess
  • Thinking Caps
  • Hear Say
  • Bricks 4 Kidz
  • Hibiscus Coast AFC
  • Shine Speech and Drama for aspiring kids